EDITORIAL: Lawsuit exposed not only violations of the rights of students, but the incompetence of Chicago's out of town administratorsThe ongoing lawsuit against Chicago Public Schools for rushing the closing of the largest number of schools in U.S. history has revealed the indifference of CPS officials as well as their out-of-town incompetence. . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: 'Right sizing,' wrong sizing, and RahmsizingIt was only an ironic coincidence that the date on the confidential CPS memo on school closings that was exposed in the December 19 Chicago Tribune was September 10, 2012 — which turned out to . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Sun-Times version of Barbara Byrd-Bennett's 'Rebuilding Trust' — lies, hypocrisy, deceptions and cynical conflicts of interest?It's been a little over a month since once again Chicago's corporate media proclaimed the latest version of the corporate school reform "miracle" following the abrupt (but golden parachuted) dumping of Jean-Claude Brizard and the . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Not all 'strikes' involving Chicago's public schools are 'illegal'... Rahm orders illegal bureaucrats' strike against the Facilities Law by former Detroit (and Cleveland) school official Barbara Byrd-Bennett and leading CPS bureaucratsAs the hearings before the City Council's committee on education made clear within an hour, the elected legislative leaders of Chicago are facing a strike by some of the highest-paid bureaucrats of the nation's third . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Why a 'Yes' vote is the only serious union vote on October 2 in ChicagoBetween September 24, 2012 and September 28, 2012, the officers of the Chicago Teachers Union held five informational meetings after school regarding the proposed contract. During that same time, the union, on its Web site, . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: A YES vote is the only way to continue strengthening the Chicago Teachers Union and the movement for better public schools for all children... A lesson in recent history may help clarify why a 'Yes' vote by regular CTU members on October 2 is a very good ideaBetween September 24, 2012 and September 28, 2012, the officers of the Chicago Teachers Union held five informational meetings after school regarding the proposed contract. During that same time, the union, on its Web site, . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Spin, Spin, Spin... CPS announces 'Tele Town Hall' on a budget nobody can find after hearings where CPS has left the transcripts in the covered up folderAs the lies of Chicago Public Schools top officials during the Reign of Rahm continue to escalate, CPS robo called every CPS parent on July 17 to announce that on July 18 the school system . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: 'ACCOUNTABILITY' TIME? When does Chicago hold its pundits and plutocratic party line preachers accountable for the simplest facts?... How is a 'strike authorization' different from a strike?So once again, the Tribune's editors and the Sun-Times owners get an "F" on school news. No teacher in Chicago is surprised, since teacher bashing and union busting has been the official version of reality . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: 'Quick! Monetize that Asset Before We Get Caught...' While 'progressives' fume about the religious right, the real heretics come from the cult of monetizing every human activityHappy May Day. Six years ago, Chicago saw the largest May Day march in the history of May Day (which, as history buffs know, began in Chicago). May Day is celebrated the world over in . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Heartless School Closings Affect Us All... A closer look at Casals Elementary SchoolIt is virtually impossible these days to avoid the tragedy of school closings and ruptured communities. As a teacher in the public schools, I speak every week with substitute teachers who were full-time teachers that . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Chicago's traditional McCarthyism roars back as Tribune's makeover leaves more 'news' space for teacher bashing, red baiting, union busting attacks on public schoolsThe "news" story that appeared in the June 30, 2011, editions of the Chicago Tribune was amazing, even by the corporate standards of Chicago Tribune's propaganda departments. The story, a half page long, was a . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: How millionaire heiresses and the toadies of billionaires become the only Chicago 'stakeholders' in the Orwellian world of Chicago's corporate school reform... Brizard announces process lengthening school day by ignoring the law and thousands of elected parents and teachers (the LSCs)Although he was not a visible presence at the media event that accompanied the signing of SB 7 in Maywood on June 13, 2011, Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Jean Claude Brizard was looming . . . | Article | |
ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW ON MADISON: 'Saving the middle class' could mean saving white people from the poor and most of the working classBelow is the counterfeit slogan that comes from the San Diego Labor Council, a rally to "save the middle class." It comes from recent union activities in California, where I live and work, some in . . . | Article | |
Putting the Obama presidency in perspective... On the right where he and it belongEditor's Note: The following is reprinted from Socialist Worker which has a reciprocity agreement with Substance. Originally, the editorial was entitled "Obama and the budget-cutting bandwagon | Article | |
GUEST EDITORIAL: Why I’m Right About Raising Taxes on the Very Rich[Editor's note. The following article came to us via Portside and is being reprinted here as part of our plan to publish more materials on the tax structure and how it is being manipulated . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Substance comments should be signed in full or remain in generalitiesOn Sunday, September 19, 2010, a spammer who signed his e-mail address with an obscenity, tried to fill 'Comments' at the substancenews.net reports on Whittier with invectives against Michael Shields, the Chicago Board of Education's . . . | Article | |
EDITORIAL: Huberman's body count of veteran teachers rising, while media hypocrisy and ignorance in Chicago seem to know no limitsDuring the final week of June 2010 and the opening of July, the body count of veteran teachers who were being dumped from their jobs in Chicago — usually after decades, repeat DECADES — of . . . | Article | |
Editorial commentary: In the 'No Excuses' bubble, is death a valid excuse?[Editor's Note: The following was submitted to Substance on October 7,2009, but we didn't get to post it until October 13, 2009, because of the business here and about this topic. We're sorry for the . . . | Article | |
Editorial: Huberman's 'Jobs for Jerks' program is typical of 'data driven' insanitiesThe first week of September 2009 was heartbreaking for hundreds of Chicago teachers and school security workers. Between August 31 and September 4, those teachers and school security staff who didn't get the word during . . . | Article | |
Editorial: Marilyn Stewart begins 2009 - 2010 sellout early (again)Between August 17, 2009, at Amundsen High School and August 21, 2009 at St. Augustine College on 25th St. (almost in the shadow of Cook County Jail), dozens of members of the Chicago Teachers Union . . . | |