How do you spell 'unpaid overtime' for more than 1,500 teachers? 'Dynamic Learning Maps... 'of the 1572 educators with KITE Educator Portal accounts (the mechanism used to complete the training modules), only 220 teachers have taken and passed all seven modules. ...'The the alphabet soup of pretentious acronyms at CPS (Chicago Public Schools) few are as pretentious and obnoxious as ODLSS -- the special education department. As most teachers and principals now know, the main criteria . . . | Article | | ![]() |
Montefiore School on Privatization Bulls Eye? As usual, Chicago promises not to privatize another special education programOn February 26, 2008 at Montefiore Special School, at a press conference a group of clergy and others warned that Montefiore School is facing imminent closure.
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CPS tries to undermine disability rights law... Chicago Public Schools and the Corey H caseAs some teachers are aware, back in 1992, when a teacher who is today thirty years old was only a sixteen-year-old in high school, the CPS got sued by a group of families of special . . . | Article | |