Vice President tells teachers Obama administration still loves us, says... Attacks on Public Workers Biggest Scam In American History[originally published July 4th 2011] | Article | |
Teachers to picket BP in downtown Chicago on March 19 in support of striking refinery workers in Whiting Indiana...Members of the Chicago Teachers Union will picket at 11:00 a.m. on March 19, 2015 at the offices of BP. BP is the oil company that dumped millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf . . . | Article | |
Oil Workers strike at several plants... Bosses now call scabs a 'work continuation plan'...Oil Workers represented by the United Steelworkers of America have gone on strike at plants across the USA demanding better pay and benefits, and an end to the outsourcing of work at union facilities. The . . . | Article | |
PA court rules in favor of teachers against Philadelphia 'reform' commission's attempt to unilaterally end contractA Pennsylvania state court ruled on January 23, 2015 against the Philadelphia "School Reform Commission" on the question of whether the commission could unilaterally terminate a teacher union contract. In October, the SRC had unilaterally . . . | Article | |
ANALYSIS: What's behind the tough talk from the American Federation of Teachers and Randi Weingarten?THE AMERICAN Federation of Teachers (AFT) leadership is straining to balance growing unrest among union members and their strategy of making concessions in the name of "partnership." That effort was on display at the union's . . . | Article | |
New York votes dominate Common Core debate at the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) convention as a majority of AFT delegates votes to continue critical support for Common Core ... AFT leadership has to deploy union officials to speak, while classroom teachers oppose Common CoreA mad dash for the microphones started when a United Federation of Teachers (UFT, New York City, Local 2 of the AFT), delegate began sprinting as the doors were opened for delegates to enter the . . . | Article | |
Are the national teachers unions really ready to make a comeback against the neoliberal attacks on public education and unions?[Editor's Note. The article below comes out as "Can the teachers' unions come back?" on July 10, 2014 at Socialist Worker -- -- as Chicago's delegates head to Los Angeles for the convention of . . . | Article | |
Bayou children have 'boating' instead of busing to get to school... Louisiana activists show fight is the same all overRosina Phillippe, an activist in Grand Bayou, Louisiana, may at first glance seem to have little in common with Chicago parents and teachers in their fight against closing schools. Phillippe is a Native American living . . . | Article | |
'The one thing Boeing can't take away is our solidarity'... Bold Boeing Workers Refuse to Screw Over Next Generation[Editor's Note. Those in Chicago who only read the Sun-Times and Tribune, or who get their version of the "news" from TV, have been fed nothing but propaganda against the Boeing workers in Seattle, who . . . | Article | |
MEDIA WATCH: Is the CTU leadership fighting goofy evaluation systems just because 'it gets them elected'? Bloomberg Business Week proclaims 'New Haven Model' (and Chicago's un-model) in major article headlined 'This Is How You Fix Public Schools'Is the Chicago Teachers Union run by a bunch of "rabble rousers"? Anyone reading the Chicago Tribune or some of the pundits of the plutocracy elsewhere in Chicago's media would hear that phrase often applied . . . | Article | |
Michael Mulgrew re-elected as UFT President... Opposition MORE caucus evaluating election outcomeThe "Unity" caucus in New York City's United Federation of Teachers (UFT) won the recent union election, returning incumbent Michael Mulgrew to a full term at president of the largest K-12 local in the American . . . | Article | |
CORE in Philadelphia as Chicago and Philadelphia teachers increase solidarity[Editor's Note: A video of a recent visit by Chicago Teachers Union activists from CORE has been put into a video and comment from teachers and others in Philadelphia. The material was published in . . . | Article | |
MEDIA WATCH: Ruling class 'merit pay' propaganda continues in major media... Newark gets international and national praise for knuckling under to merit pay, while Los Angeles agrees to 'performance' in evaluationsAnyone who believed that one good Chicago strike would stop the ruling class agenda against the public schools would have been surprised at how completely the agenda is still being pushed. Within a couple of . . . | Article | |
Chicago's teachers have created a true 'paradigm shift'... National Education Association weights in with 'lessons' of the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012During one of our discussions in Chicago about what we were doing, I told friends and comrades that we were really helping create a true "paradigm shift." One of the saddest things of the past . . . | Article | |
STRIKEWATCH ANALYSIS: What Chicago's teachers won[Editor's Note: The following article originally appeared in Socialist Worker, September 26, 2012. This analysis is reprinted here with permission of both Socialist Worker and the reporter, who is a CPS parent. Published by . . . | Article | |
Scab officials ruining NFL season[Editor's Note: The following was sent around on September 25, 2012 by Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO. While we are reprinting it here and hoping that our readers will comment on scabs in professional . . . | Article | |
National union leaders still 'on the bus' (NEA, literally) with Arne Duncan despite Chicago... Randi, Randi every tweet... How often did the real Randi Weingarten every stand up on Twitter during the Chicago strike?Seeing that America Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten got her picture taken on the picket line outside Fulton Elementary School early on in the Chicago Teacher Strike, I started watching her on Twitter. I . . . | Article | |
CTU delegates vote to end srikeAfter receiving lengthy reports from each of the union's four officers and from the union's attorney, the members of the Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates voted by a large majority to suspend the seven-day-old . . . | Article | |
LABOR DAY SINGALONG: Solidarity Forever... The words of the song for those who need to learn all of them in 2012[Below are the four ‘main’ verses of the union song “Solidarity Forever”. Two other verses from the “original” have been deleted. These are the ones usually sung. The original was first published in the IWW . . . | Article | |
STRIKEWATCH: THE SCAB. 'Race To The Top' has always been around... In a 1903 speech, Jack London analyzed The ScabMore than 100 years ago, Jack London, then a socialist as well as a novelist, wrote the following about the scab, and how it fit into the context of class war. Read the following and . . . | Article | |