Vallas connection to Wadsworth: Why didn’t the powers-that-be fold Dumas into Wadsworth’s school building in 2013
Why didn’t the powers-that-be fold Dumas into Wadsworth’s school building in 2013, allowing all those public school kids to experience and enjoy the huge city investment into that huge adjoining school campus park?
. . .
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Douglas Taylor elementary votes no confidence in principal
The Douglas Taylor elementary Local School Council (LSC) voted NO CONFIDENCE in Principal Dawn Hill on Wednesday, June 5.
The vote was 8-1, with the one vote against being the principal's own vote. The . . .
Taylor principal's disrespect toward teachers and elected officials results in union meeting forced outside...protest planned for Wednesday's Board of Education meeting
At the end of the day on June 10, Taylor Elementary School’s Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) delegate Gail Molinaro was preparing for a special after-school hours CTU meeting. The notice for the meeting had been . . .
Members First announces leadership team for May CTU election
On Wednesday, February 20, 2019, a press conference was held to introduce the officers running on a Members First slate for the May 17, 2019 Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) leadership election. Approximately 75-100 people braved . . .
Some of George Schmidt's words of wisdom
So sad, so sad, so sad. (That phrasing actually comes from a children’s book, an African folktale, Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears.) Words will not suffice. What follows is but a small portion of . . .
Fire and safety becoming an issue at South Side schools... Who is responsible for fire and other safety risks for children/students in CPS?
At Taylor School, located on the far southeast side of Chicago at 9912 S. Avenue H, as I assume to be the case in many if not all schools, a “best system developed over . . .
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Members First group recommends vote of NO for both CTU constitutional change ballots...
The January 16, 2018 meeting of Members First at Connie’s Pizza had 15-20 attendees (of which this reporter was one) stuffing envelopes with flyers recommending a vote of NO for both of the upcoming Chicago . . .
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CTU House of Delegates passes resolution demanding the abolition of Christopher Columbus Day...Resolution's title...DEMAND THE ABOLITION OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DAY AND RENAME IT INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY...
By Friday, December 15, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) sent email blasts to members informing of the passage of two action items from the December 13, 2017 House of Delegates (HOD) meeting: constitutional change referendum . . .
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Members First December meeting, panel of experts will provide information on impacts of union charter school merger proposal
The December meeting for the union group Members First will take place on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 5:30 PM at Connie’s Pizza (2373 S. Archer). Any and all CTU members are welcome. A panel . . .
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'Members First' group in Chicago Teachers Union raises questions about proposed changes in CTU Constitution... Members First CTU charter merger questions and including the proposal for CTU to officially vote itself into a 'social justice union'...
The first agenda item for those who attended the Members First September 19, 2017 meeting at Connie’s Pizza was: Proposed CTU Constitution Changes. There were approximately 15-20 people in attendance. It was noted that many . . .
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'Members First' caucus schedules first meeting of the new school year in growing challenge to CORE and the 'Sharkey - Lewis Sellouts'...
After more than a year of meetings, with the number of participants growing in number each month, the group calling itself "Members First" will hold its first meeting of the 2017 - 2018 school year . . .
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Members First... Questions about the proposed CTU Charter union merger and other challenges to changes including the proposal for CTU to officially vote itself into a so-called 'social justice union'
The first agenda item for those who attended the Members First September 19, 2017 meeting at Connie’s Pizza was: Proposed CTU Constitution Changes. The current leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union has proposed a number . . .
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Salary analysis shows how much CTU members lost under the latest contracts...Nick Lang’s Members First April 26 CTU salary slide presentation: How the 2012 and 2016 contracts diminish our pay over time...
Before the group began officially calling itself Members First, meetings of concerned Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members were held during the 2016-2017 school year to discuss and analyze how badly the members were faring under . . .
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Next 'Members First' meeting scheduled as CTU members' outrage over current leadership's sellouts grows...Meeting on July 26 at noon at the Pompei Restaurant on Taylor St...
The teachers union group calling itself "Members First" has scheduled a summer meeting at Pompei Restaurant, located at 1531 W. Taylor Street, on Wednesday, July 26 at 12:00 noon. Members First leaders will be sharing . . .
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CTU ends House of Delegates meeting with controversial 'vote' after a quorum call... Vice President Jesse Sharkey calls out his 'resignation'!...
Was the budget legitimately passed at the June 2017 CTU House of Delegates meeting? That was one of several questions that came up during the brief meeting of the union's House of Delegates on June . . .
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When you say you're broke, how do we know you are really broke? 'Nix the Networks' analysis shows that CPS still has a large, expensive and toxic bureaucracy, just not one you can find at the corner of Madison and Dearborn...
For more than a year, the leaders of the Chicago Teachers Union and officials of Chicago Public Schools have had some disagreements, but they have agreed on one thing: Chicago's schools should be getting more . . .
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Chicago Women's March... more than 250,000 people, majority of them women, on the move against Trump and Trumpism...
The Women's March of January 21, 2017, was too large for anyone to "cover" as a reporter or photographer. This is one participant’s report, view and experience from the streets of Chicago during the January . . .
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Among other contractual issues, CTU’s new class size floor is UNO’s new ceiling...
Contractual Class Size Changes will hurt classroom teachers. A change was made regarding class sizes in the "Tentative Agreement" (TA) recently approved by the membership of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). Class size is something . . .
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One “new and improved” tentative contract line that needs to be appreciated far and wide before HOD and membership voting... Fine print in 'Tentative Agreement' gives up many rights for all CTU members and the public schools...
As a growing number of members of the Chicago Teachers Union look ever more closely at the actual wording of the "Tentative Agreement" (the deal that headed off the strike that was supposed to begin . . .
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Contract now goes to CTU members for vote...17-minute debate at the CTU House of Delegates before the vote was called on the 'tentative agreement' (TA)... The negatives stifled from the debate are noted here...
Think again, anyone out there assuming Chicago Public School (CPS) employees who are Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) delegates, representing various positions within the schools, spent much time and energy in deliberation for the tentative agreement . . .
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Let's take a field trip?... Best field trip ever!...
While there may be some actual classroom teachers in Chicago who are ending the 2015 - 2016 school year with a smile, most of us have been stressed out more than ever before. No union . . .
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Working class solidarity at Nabisco...April 1 press conference at the 'Nabisco' plant on the Southwest Side calls for boycotts of corporations that export Chicago jobs after getting tax breaks from the State of Illinois...
The 10:30 morning rain on April 1, 2016 did not dampen the spirited chanting of a couple hundred picketers flanking both sides of Kedzie Avenue outside of the Nabisco plant located at 73rd Street and . . .
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BUDGET HEARINGS, OLIVE-HARVEY: CPS officials cynically answer questions at sparsely attended budget hearing at Oliver Harvey College during annual budget hearings August 18, 2015...
Protesters from Dyett High School were doing a hunger strike five miles away, and none of them showed up at the budget hearings held at Olive-Harvey College on Chicago's far South Side on the evening . . .
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Access Living and other disability rights groups hold press conference and protest against special education budget cuts despite being barred from use of the full space adjacent to the Board of Education headquarters...
At 9:00 on Wednesday, August 26, 2015, before the Chicago Board of Education�s monthly meeting in which it was expected they would vote on the district�s �budget,� Access Living and other advocates for students and . . .
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Union leads protest at Bank of America... 'CPS is robbing our schools to give to the banks...'
As one sign read: �Robbing Our Schools to Give to the Banks� On the morning of Wednesday, August 26, 2015, as the Chicago Board of Education�s monthly meeting took place inside, a march of approximately . . .
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LSC 'hearing' at Simeon exposes lies of CPS on budget 'crisis'... CPS Office of Local School Council Relations � Budget Informational Session held at Simeon High School features the version of reality now being presented by the Board's latest 'Chief Financial Officer,' Ginger Ostro...
INTRODUCTION... The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Office of Local School Council (LSC) Relations scheduled three �Budget Informational Sessions� on the same date and time (Monday, July 20, 2015) in city locations north (Schurz High School), . . .
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REACH grief! REACH grief: Was CPS�S REACH Students anti-demoralization PD misinterpreted �?
SATIRE: trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used for the purpose of exposing and discrediting vice or folly. BACKGROUND Substance has (finally) obtained copies of both documents (below) related to a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) 2013-2014 . . .
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One CPS teacher�s experience giving the PARCC Test... While PARCC opt outs are generally being respected, administrators at at least one South Side school, supported by their 'Network', tried to bully kids and teachers on the first day of PARCC 2015...
By the end of the school day on March 11, 2015, the first day of PARCC testing for Chicago children, media reports and other sources of news are telling a story from across Chicago of . . .
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Opt Out harassment of teachers and children continues at Chicago's Taylor Elementary School... One CPS teacher�s further experiences with administering the PARCC test and honoring the rights of parents and children to Opt Out...
Note: I will continue to blow the whistle on conditions and experiences of my employment related to so-called �standardized testing� that I believe are not appropriate for teachers and other employees as well as students . . .
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'Zero to 50' challenged as grade inflation -- or perhaps, fraud... Question of grading policy and increased graduation rates in CPS
A cynic might say there are at least two ways to do anything: the right way and the "Chicago Way." When educators want children to do better, they usually reward good work, set reasonable standards . . .
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'...the educational program at Taylor... suffered as a result of the insufficiency of substitute teachers. The students are the ones who have been denied the full benefit of the education...' Chicago Teachers Union wins huge arbitration victory regarding CPS obligation to provide cadre subs
�I believe the Board has no incentive to correct the insufficiency of substitute teachers unless it is subject to a monetary award for breaching the CBA,� the arbitrator rules. �In addition, let there be no . . .
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Karen Lewis and Beverly Woods August 19, 2014... Chicago Teachers Union president has advanced from 'thinking about' to 'seriously considering' a run for Mayor of Chicago
Billed as �A Conversation with Karen Lewis in the 19th Ward,� the conversational Q & A between Karen Lewis and TV news commentator Walter Jacobson started at approximately 6:30 PM on August 19, 2014 at . . .
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June 17 shooting near Taylor school challenges (among other things) concept of �Safe Passage� for school workers... Bullet whizzes through teacher's car on 'Safe Passage' route to mark the end of the school year... CPS stays it doesn't have to pay for repairs
Though not intentionally aimed at any Chicago Public Schools employees, the particular bullet that went through the teacher�s opened, back, driver�s side window, over her head, and out the front windshield did not make any . . .
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Kennedy King budget hearing July 16, 2014 show growing public resistance to CPS budget tales... Chicago in 2014 -- when one of the speakers asked kids at one elementary school what they wanted to be when they grew up, half of them answered 'Alive'
From approximately 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 31 speakers in an audience of approximately 100 signed up to mostly comment toward but also question Chicago Board of Education (BOE) Fiscal . . .
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'Participants may enter the waters knee high, waist high, or take the full plunge.'... Union Financial Secretary warming Up for the cold water of Lake Michigan... Polar Plunge to help Special Olympics
The 14th annual Polar Plunge Chicago is scheduled for Sunday, March 2, 2014. The fundraising from the event will benefit Special Olympics Chicago. There are close to 5,000 Special Olympic athletes in Chicago; this number . . .
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CTU Financial Secretary Kristine Mayle, a special ed teacher, will also be in Lake Michigan... Rahm to take Polar Plunge March 2 with teachers greeting him
What? 14th Annual Special Olympics Chicago (SOC) Polar Plunge
Where? North Avenue Beach located at 1603 N. Lakeshore Drive
When? Sunday, March 2, 2014 from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM Who? CTU, Chicago's mayor, and . . .
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Freezing Chicago overnight campout for public education... Protesting against Chicago's expansion of charter schools
It�s 9:30 PM on Tuesday, January 21, 2014. The temperature is two degrees below zero. Do you know where a handful of representatives from the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is? Outside, camping out in front . . .
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November 16 'Neighborhood schools fair' hopes to unite Chicago's community-based public schools and show parents and children that the nearest school is not 'bad' just because it isn't a 'magnet', 'STEM' thingy, or charter
Parents, teachers and community leaders asked that Chicagoans please set the date of November 16 in advance on your calendars for the city's first "Neighborhood Schools Fair" to be held at Clemente High School. The . . .
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Plaintiff's case presented from July 16 through July 17 in federal lawsuit against closings affecting special ed students
Three days of detailed testimony about the Chicago Board of Education's plans to close more than 50 of the city's real elementary schools took place in federal court in Chicago between July 16 and July . . .
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Defense case: How the Board of Education explained itself in federal court -- or didn't
The case presented by the Chicago Board of Education in defense of its actions took nearly two days July 17 and July 18, 2013. Although as of early August Judge Lee had not yet rendered . . .
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SWAN V. BYRD BENNETT IN FEDERAL COURT, PART ONE, THE CASE FOR THE SPECIAL ED CHILDREN: Lawsuit against school closings... Three days of testimony against the Chicago school closings based on the needs of special education students
Three days of detailed testimony about the Chicago Board of Education's plans to close more than 50 of the city's real elementary schools took place in federal court in Chicago between July 16 and July . . .
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“We need teachers in the hall! Not more money for DePaul!!” Protests before July 24 Board meeting... Protest over Cuts to Chicago Public Schools versus DePaul Taxpayer Giveaway
The Chicago Board of Education was not scheduled to begin its monthly meeting at its headquarters at 125 S. Clark St., but hundreds of protesters were working to highlight the Board's latest attacks on the . . .
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Winston, Anderson and others... 'Defense' (Board of Education) Witnesses for Federal Injunction Hearing... Board special ed chief's testimony in federal court sounded evasive to most observers in the courtroom
Dr. Markay Winston was called as the first witness for the defense in the hearing for Swan v. Byrd-Bennett (13-cv-03623) and McDaniel v. Board of Education City of Chicago (13-cv-03624) held before U.S. Judge John . . .
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South Side march against school closings begins May 18 with speeches, including Michael Brunson, an officer of the CTU
The South Side march against the planned closing of 53 Chicago public schools -- the largest single closing in any city in the history of the United States -- stepped off on the morning of . . .
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Michael Brunson at Jesse Owens school: Why we march... 'This is our city, our schools and our voice... This is a movement!'
Before the march began on Saturday, April 18, 2013, Michael Brunson, who had just been re-elected recording secretary of the Chicago Teachers Union the day before (by a landslide vote) gave the following speech to . . .
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'If you have any questions call 311,' CPS representatives told the audience... CPS hearing for the Songhai Elementary School closing -- with the students moved into (the previous closed and reconstituted) Curtis Elementary School -- highlighted by refusal of highly paid CPS executives to answer any
The first of the three “hearings” legally required per each Chicago Public School (CPS) action against elementary school communities across the city began today, April 6, 2013. The 2-lined heading on the handout for the . . .
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Lake Calumet school closings hearing tries to avoid the facts... In conjunction with 'Network' chiefs and outside consultants, CPS Communications Department tries to bar reporters from most of the hearing and suppress any press coverage
The “Far South Side Network Community Utilization Engagement Meetings” (as per the billing on a local flyer), otherwise known as the Lake Calumet public hearing for school closings due to CPS-concocted space "underutilization" claims, took . . .
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Englewood Gresham school closing hearing
The sixth Walton Family Foundation-sponsored Chicago Public Schools (CPS) school closing hearing -- due to supposed "underutilization" -- took place for the Englewood-Gresham Network on the afternoon of Saturday, February 2, 2013 at Kennedy King . . .
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ILTs another scam when real teachers and staff power is available
The article below was published The Jacobin and helps elucidate the entire fraud of "Instructional Leadership Teams" (ILTs) that is currently being fought against by the Chicago Teachers Union. As the Chicago Teachers Union leadership . . .
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Does Barbara Byrd Bennett push prayer as a response to CPS gang shootings?
While those of us in public education most probably fully agree with the sentiments of the CEO of the Chicago Public Schools regarding a most recent (yet far too often repeating) tragedy in the city . . .
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Subs lacking in CPS elementary schools and some suggestions for what to do about it ... Board cuts substitute teacher services across Chicago
Situation: There is and has been for quite some time a lack of substitute teachers being sent to cover absent teachers in CPS elementary schools. Those running the public schools, legislatively-directed from Springfield to be . . .
'The idea that Byrd-Bennett’s new appointed commission will suddenly involve the community in a meaningful way is laughable...' PURE rejects Byrd-Bennett's 'closing next year' ploy
Within a few hours after Chicago's media began reporting that Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Barbara Byrd Bennett has proposed a "moratorium" on school closings beginning during the 2013 - 2014 school year — . . .
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Strike thoughts... We need to read and understand the entire contract and discuss what we have done, won, and lost
After I send this to CORE, I will probably forward a copy to each CTU member of my school's faculty and staff. Then it goes to Substance, for whom I have reported for a long . . .
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Florida educator running a gritty Chicago 'network'... Southeast side rally greets chieftain Harrison Peters in the shadow of what were once Chicago's steel mills
On Friday, September 14, 2012 a Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) rally and picnic was held in the park behind Jane Addams Elementary School located at 10810 South Avenue H on the southeast side of Chicago. . . .
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'Sabotage and destabilization'... Mid-Strike CTU Rally at Dyett High School
On September 12, 2012, one of three simultaneous Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) rallies held during the first week of the strike took place on the south side in front of Walter H. Dyett High School . . .
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AFT REPORTS: Teachers rallied in support of Detroit public schools... 'Strike Now!' or 'Negotiate Now!'
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) held its biennial convention in Detroit, Michigan the weekend of July 27, 2012. Early that Friday afternoon, five buses left the COBO Center to attend a protest rally at . . .
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Educational issues at forefront in Hyde Park on a summer’s Wednesday night
Across the city, community partners and supporters of real public education with the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) are sponsoring public forums to discuss issues regarding the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), particularly how to provide Chicago . . .
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CORE convention kicks off on militant note as Labor Notes organizer reminds CTU leaders 'The whole world is watching...' the preparations for the Chicago School Strike of 2012
The Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE), a caucus within the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) held its fifth annual convention over the weekend on Friday and Saturday, August 17 and 18, 2012. The CORE . . .
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CPS BUDGET ANALYSIS: CPS Budget Through the Looking Glass... Three “interactive” lessons for uncovering misleading data on teachers via trips through the FY 2013 CPS budget looking glass
As a Chicago resident, Substance reporter, teacher, and taxpayer, I am confused about the information presented for teachers, students, and administrators in the recently unveiled Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Proposed Budget. . . .
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Hundreds rally with the Chicago Teachers Union on July 25
Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) flyers presented the July 25 rally at the Board of Education as follows: “Budget cuts, an unfunded longer school day, 1000 layoffs and ‘redefinitions,’ endless unproven charters school $$$ and expansion, . . .
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SUBSCRIPT: 'Opposite-speak' translation of written communications from Bored of Education.... Brizard's language — 'Oppositespeak' — gets parsed and laughed out of town by teachers
Following the massive Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) rallies and march in downtown Chicago on May 23, 2012, those of us who work out in the schools received a letter via e-mail from Chief Executive Officer . . .
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Jesse Jackson Sr. challenges NATO costs to homeland social programs
At approximately 10:30 AM on Sunday, May 20, 2012, under a canopy tent in what would be the left-field section behind third base of the field surrounding the Petrillo Bandshell in downtown Chicago, a clear . . .
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Large 19th Ward meeting rejects CPS 'Longest School Day' as Brizard continues to duck parent anger and sends underlings who repeat talking points to defend his plans
Approximately 200 parents, teachers, and community members (overwhelmingly from Chicago’s 19th Ward) packed a 7:00 PM meeting held on Thursday, March 8, 2011 in the Morgan Park High School auditorium to challenge the "Longer School . . .
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Dyett closing hearing at CPS January 27, 2012
The hearing for the phased closing of Walter Dyett High School (located at 555 E. 51st Street) took place at the Chicago Board of Education located downtown at 125 S. Clark Street on Friday night, . . .
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More than 500 activists, unions hold candlelight vigil at Board of Education in prepration for massive protests against closings, turnarounds and charters at December 14 Board meeting... Organizers added to holiday cheer with Christmas Carols opposing the closings
On Tuesday, December 13, 2011, more than 500 teachers, parents, children and other supporters of real public education gathered from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. in front of the downtown Chicago, central office location of . . .
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Parents see a 'Done Deal'... Board continues illegal 'parent' meetings with one at Wendell Smith, a school on the Hit List for a CPS turnaround
Wendell Smith Elementary School, located at 744 E. 103rd Street is presently the only school within in the new "Lake Calumet Network" to be slated for “school actions,” the latest term used to describe the . . .
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Is a CAC really a TAC in drag? CPS CAC 101: How to misrepresent CPS Lake Calumet and Rock Island Networks with a pre-fabricated CAC?
On Tuesday, December 20, 2011, Substance was informed of the Far South Side CAC meeting to be held that evening at 6:00 PM at the Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Region building located at 235 E. . . .
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'Stand Up Chicago! joins with 'Occupy Chicago' against corporate arrogance and greed... Thousands protest on Columbus Day in Chicago
Thousands of people fanned out across various locations in downtown Chicago as part of protests against Chicago's corporations and the ways in which the city is being destroyed by corporate rule and corporate greed. The . . .
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Can you smell a RA T? Crazy evaluation requirements spurting out from new 'Network' offices... Evaluation Checklist — 'Lake Calumet/Far South Side Networks/Opening Schools Expectations/2011'
Straight out of the old Chicago Public Schools (CPS) non-negotiable playbook from the previously-named "Areas" preceded by CPS’s previous-to-that-named "Regions," a new accountability checklist has been generated by Harrison A. Peters, the new Chief Area . . .
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West Side rejects CPS budget at tumultuous August 11 hearing at Westinghouse High School
Before the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) moderator could finish giving the audience her quick overview of the night’s schedule and public participation procedures, a woman burst in the back door to the Westinghouse High School . . .
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February 26 Chicago solidarity rally at State of Illinois building
If you drove by the Thompson Center, aka the State of Illinois Building, located at 100 W. Randolph in downtown Chicago at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 26, 2011, you would have seen maybe 150-200 . . .
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CORE Education Summit marks third year
The third annual CORE (Caucus of Rank and File Educators) Summit took place on Saturday, February 12, 2011. Registration took place in the lobby of King College Prep, located at 4445 South Drexel in Chicago. . . .
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'Save the American dream'... Rally in support of Wisconsin workers' protest at Illinois State Building February 26 in Chicago
If you drove by the Thompson Center, aka the State of Illinois Building, located at 100 W. Randolph in downtown Chicago at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 26, 2011, you would have seen maybe 150-200 . . .
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CPS Public Hearing on New and Modifications to Charter Schools
Following the 5:00-7:00 p.m. Community Forum held in CPS Board Chambers, on Tuesday, January 19, 2011, CPS held a Public Hearing “regarding new charter schools/campuses and modifications to existing charter schools” from 7:00-9:00 p.m. There . . .
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The following is the second of a two-part summarization of the process and outcomes taking place regarding the 27 resolutions presented at the 2010 IFT Convention in St. Louis, Missouri held on the weekend of . . .
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Whittier Moms continue library work... "We're still here!"
On Sunday afternoon, October 10, 2010, I drove out to Whittier Elementary School for an update on the situation with the field house. Whittier Elementary School is located at 1900 W. 23rd Street. The field . . .
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SING ALONG WITH SUBSTANCE... 'Farmer Duncan has a plan...' EIEIO...
Over the recent October 17, 2010 weekend, CTU members elected as convention delegates attended the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) Convention in the beautiful city of St. Louis, Missouri. Yes, Missouri. IFT Conventions take place . . .
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Resolutions approved at IFT convention... Resolution Revolution, Part One
DEFINITION: resolution: 1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization. 2. the act of resolving or determining, as upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, . . .
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Second budget hearing draws major crowd to Westinghouse High School August 18... Some charter supporters give lukewarm support to charters
The second CPS budget hearing on the 2010 – 2011 proposed budget was held at Westinghouse High School, 3301 W. Franklin, on Wednesday, August 18. The sign-in for speakers began at 6:00 p.m. Approximately 60 . . .
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Introduction of AFT delegate's job... A first look at the national union convention of 2010
Consider this article the "American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 2010 Convention Primer, Level 101: The Delegates’ Job – Approving of Constitutional Resolutions Pre-Selected by the Leaders". Author credit: By Susan L. Zupan, Rookie Convention Delegate, . . .
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AFT Convention Report, or 'AFT 102' ... Report from a committee meeting and a few important resolutions
[Editor's Note: As July moves towards August, many members of the Chicago Teachers Union delegation to the Seattle Convention of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) that was held from July 7 through July 12 . . .
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Teachers protest before Board of Education’s July 28 meeting
More than 110 people, most of them teachers and members of the Chicago Teachers Union, protested in a spirit picket line outside the headquarters of the Chicago Board of Education an hour before the Board’s . . .
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Coalition holds press conference challenging CPS cuts, budget claims
Chicago Youth Initiating Change (CYIC), the Grassroots Educational Movement (GEM), and the Caucus for Rank and File Educators (CORE) co-sponsored a press conference on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 outside 125 S. Clark Street before the . . .
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J. N. Thorp next on CPS Hit List?... "Hands off Thorp!" meeting held in South Chicago
The recently formed neighborhood group called “Friends of Thorp” sponsored a real hearing on the evening of Thursday, September 24, 2009.
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has sponsored public “hearings” across the city, in recent . . .
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How to defraud the public with New Schools nonsense... Lessons from Chicago's summer hearings
REPORT/COMMENTARY on Chicago Public Schools’ Summer 2009 REN 2010 Hearings et al. By Susan Zupan
As part of the ongoing campaign to expand what was "Renaissance 2010" to 2015 and beyond, the Chicago Board . . .