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Flanked by David Pickens (left, currently his $132,000 per year “Chief of Staff”) and Dan Bugler (right, currently “Chief Officer, Research, Evaluation and Accountability” at $132,000 per year), Chicago Schools CEO Arne Duncan explains at a March 30, 2007, press conference why Chicago is going to reconstitute Harvard Elementary School despite the fact that Harvard’s ISAT test scores went “up” this school year and reconstitution is regarded nationally as a failed strategy for fixing schools whose scores went “down.” (Substance photo by George N. Schmidt)

Board of Education Retreats on School Closings

School Chief Arne Duncan broke a promise he made earlier in the year not to close any more public schools. On March 30, Duncan (pictured at left) announced the closing of LeMoyne and Harvard Elementary schools. The two schools were being closed for different - and odd - reasons: Harvard was being closed despite the fact that its scores actually went "up" from the previous year.

Download a complete listing of Chicago's 2006 ISAT scores. (Note: The download acquires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view properly.)

harvard elementary school, slated for closing later this year.

Illinois' 2006 ISAT Scores a Mess: What do Chicago's Scores Really Mean?

Was it a miracle, or just another statistical manipulation? Chicago's abismal new 2006 ISAT scores put 2005's gains in perspective.

NCLB Drives Teachers out of the Profession

A new study shows that NCLB's punitive provisions help drive teachers out of teaching.

Interview: The Real Charter 'Experience'

Inside story of the charter school cited as an ‘urban education model’ by Bill and Melinda Gates.

BUSTED! Substance Puts 6 Charter School Myths to the Test

Parental choice rules? Bureaucracy hurts children? Charters work miracles? Please! Substance stacks these myths up against the facts and lets you decide!

May Substance to Print $100k List

Question: How do you know you don't have a budget crisis? Answer: When you keep adding redundant executive positions that cost over $100,000 a year. The May Substance blows the whistle on the hypocrisy.

Loud "No!" to No Child Left Behind

While the nation's news media attempt to claim that the range of opinion on NCLB ranges from "modify it" to "keep it as it is", there is a growing movement among educators to abolish it entirely.

Alltown All Frozen Up Over Heating School Buses

Alltown has refused to let drivers preheat buses, exposing both their employees and student riders to Chicago's bitter cold.

Sister Grim: April Fools Rule the IFT

It's April in Chicago. Do you have any idea how baaad the sheep have been this month?

Meeting Updates:

Chicago BoardWatch

CTU House of Delegates Meeting

What's Making News This Month: