
Thankful to George for strengthening the union

George Schmidt was a treasure trove of history and a link to the days when radicals kicked butt and took names. He was progressive and a throwback to the days when big men with large personalities could give it to the suits. Smart as a whip with a sting just as powerful, you had to listen past the bombast and opinion to know the gentleman beneath. He was complex, but no person I knew ever conquered him. Oh, Sharon did.

Kim Goldbaum, George Schmidt, Kelvin, Sarah Chambers and Nate GoldbaumI am thankful for his part in introducing us to Dr. Grady Jordan and Timuel Black. And fighting Nazis. And supporting Nate and my relationship.

His reportage, impeccable; his unchallenged loyalty, fierce. His love of family and knowledge was greater than the might of atoms magnified a thousandfold. George, when you were there, you made the union strong.

You made it, man. Love to your family.


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