A tale of two teachers unions: Comparing the influence of progressive CTU with tepid UFT
I was asked to write an article for New York monthly The Indypendent on the differences between the left wing teacher unions in Chicago and Los Angeles compared to the UFT. I didn't have the . . .
The great George Schmidt is gone
[The following piece was published on Ed Notes, https://ednotesonline.blogspot.com, on Wednesday, Sept. 19.]
Since we learned a month ago that the serious illness George Schmidt was suffering from would soon end his life, . . .
AFT Common Core update... Context for the Ed Notes publication and video on the AFT convention's 'standards' debate
[Editor's Note: Substance is proud to update the news and analysis of the "debate" during the national convention of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) over the Common Core. Yesterday, August 7, 2014, we published . . .
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The Diane Ravitch Contradiction: Educators Should Rebel, but Be Nice When Addressing Oppressive Union Leaderships
[Editor's Note: The following commentary on the contradictions in recent Diane Ravitch blog postings went up at midnight and we thought should be shared before this afternoon's CORE meeting in Chicago. Those who wish to . . .
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AFT CONVENTION REPORT... Norm's Notes... EdNotes for Saturday July 12, 2014 AFT convention. AFT is going to debate a resolution of 'no confidence' in Arne Duncan while Chicago continues to battle the Unity tsunami over the Common Core... and other things
[Editor's Note, by George N. Schmidt. Substance will be updating our convention reports from the American Federation of Teachers convention here in Los Angeles with reporting from several of our regular reporters, and when time . . .
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AFT 2014 CONVENTION REPORT: Common Core debate is heated, but the vote is a foregone conclusion
AFT14 Report - Common Core Debate - Epic Battle Between Chicago/CORE and UFT/Unity. PHOTO: The great Sarah Chambers nails them to the wall opposing Common Core ..... Watch it live: bit.ly/1wbeSZG... Gloria in visitor's . . .
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AFT CONVENTION UPDATE: Randi told the press she'd 'let the members decide' on whether to vote to dump Arne Duncan...
As the word spread through the AFT convention that delegates were going to demand that the convention vote on a resolution calling on Arne Duncan to resigns -- as the NEA had earlier in the . . .
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MEDIA WATCH: Krugman misses union part of power relationships -- and sellout unions as part of the ruling class's power
[Editor's Note: There was some discussion on December 27, 2013 about Paul Krugman's New York Times column discussing whether "market forces" can actually describe, realistically, the relationship between a worker negotiating his individual "contract" and . . .
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REIGN OF ERROR: Preaching to the choir is what preachers do... and there's nothing wrong with it!
Earlier this week, Diane Ravitch's latest book, Reign of Error, was published. Even before the book came out, as reported in several places, The New York Post and a number of what Diane calls the . . .
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AFT REPORTS: Ed Notes Online gets tone of convention right in early reports
[Editor's note: Because I was delayed by one day getting to Detroit because of the CTU grievance arbitration on the four percent ripoff of June 2011, I missed a couple of the events before the . . .
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SEX! SEX! and some more SEX!... 'As proof mounted that the 73-page federal lawsuit was paper-thin...' Sex scandal old news and new news as New York Post attacks union leadership
[Editor's Note: The following article by Norm Scott of ICE and Ed Notes sums up the recent "sex scandal" that was brought out by the right wing New York Post as part of the conservative . . .
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'Ed Deformers' like Jonathan Alter pick up Rahm Emanuel's attack on Chicago Teachers Union as corporate agenda on 'Longer School Day' spins out
[Editor's Note: The following material from our friends at New York's Ed Notes updates a lot of things that have been going on and is worth regular Chicago perusal. Norm Scott, who publishes Ed . . .
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Chicago's Robin Steans in the running for conservative 'Reformiest' award
What a pathetic piece of crap. The ultra-conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute is going to pick what it calls the "reformiest" person in corporate school reform. One of those in the running is well known . . .
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The Inconvenient Truth about... Reviewing you own film... Some observations on 'The Inconvenient Truth About Waiting for Superman'
[Editor's Note: We were tempted to put this note at the end of this article, but given that the producers of "The Inconvenient Truth about Waiting for Superman" are in need of money as they . . .
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New York teachers criticize spending of New York charter schools... 'Is this real or manufactured choice?'
On May 21, 2011, New York City elementary school teacher Julie Cavanaugh spoke at the New York District 21 board about the costs of New York's charter schools. The shorter You Tube video is . . .
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New York play exposes lies in 'closing bad schools' programs
Jamaica HS Play and Discussion- Declassified: Struggle for Existence (We Used to Eat Lunch Together). Getting two schools co-located in one school building, especially when one school is being closed and viewed as being replaced . . .
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New York video shows teachers and principals denouncing New York promotion of charter schools and attacks on seniority
[Editor's Note. The following narrative (and video link) shows the relationship between the lies being told today in Chicago and across the USA with the lies being told across New York City. In the video . . .
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KIPP is the way the white and powerful want the poor of color to be educated — A Question for Obama: Why Does KIPP Not Look Like Sidwell?
[Editor's Note: We're printing the following as it ran yesterday on New York's Ed Notes. As most readers know, KIPP is the new favorite of the charter school modeling mafia. KIPP is also directly related . . .
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New website documenting charter school scandals
A new website launched recently by an Oakland California activist promises to be documenting scandals at charter schools across the USA. The site is still "under construction" but is up and running. They seem to . . .
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Letter: Orwellian quality control over teachers in New York City
November 28, 2007
I’m sending you this recent memo that our “Chancellor” (Joel Klein, the equivalent of your “CEO” Arne Duncan) sent to all New York’s “good” teachers. I know . . .
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