

New York teachers criticize spending of New York charter schools... 'Is this real or manufactured choice?'

On May 21, 2011, New York City elementary school teacher Julie Cavanaugh spoke at the New York District 21 board about the costs of New York's charter schools. The shorter You Tube video is available (in brief form) at URL:

For several years, New York City's Grassroots Education Movement (GEM) has been organizing against the "co-location" of charter schools inside real public schools. Above, members of GEM and others during the July 9, 2009 protest against the placement of the Harlem Success Academy charter school inside PS 123 in Harlem. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.Here is what happened. On May 21, 2011, Community Board 12 in upper Manhattan convened a panel to discuss charter schools. New York Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott was supposed to be on that panel but never showed up. James Merriman, CEO of the NYC Charter School Center, and others said their piece and left before Julie Cavanagh and Mona Davids said their piece.

Here are two videos I made.

Julie in 21 minutes presents a comprehensive case against the charter school movement.

The URL for those who can't access a hotlink is:

I also extracted a 5-minute piece out of the longer piece above if you don't have time now focusing on just some statistics. One of them is that Eva Moscovitz of Harlem Success Charter Schools spent $1.3 million over a two-year period on marketing to create demand. Julie breaks down how much money that comes out to if divided up amongst the public school children her schools displace.

The URL for that is:

I have a lot of good footage of the back and forth between Mona and the head of the SUNY Charter School Authorizers (sorry, but I forgot her name). But no time to process it all.

But here is a short clip of Pedro Noguera taking off at a teacher who talked about how out of control the kids were in his school.

That URL is:


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