Teacher Antoinette ('Toni') Barnes (above, speaking) had organized DARTS when it became clear that displaced teachers were being railroaded out of the Chicago Public Schools by Arne Duncan (and later, Ron Huberman) under policies and laws backed by Mayor Richard M. Daley. Barnes helped the teachers at the June 29 meeting understand the implications of the legal actions and grievance actions they had to take. Substance photo by John Kugler.

Teacher Antoinette ('Toni') Barnes (above, speaking) had organized DARTS when it became clear that displaced teachers were being railroaded out of the Chicago Public Schools by Arne Duncan (and later, Ron Huberman) under policies and laws backed by Mayor Richard M. Daley. Barnes helped the teachers at the June 29 meeting understand the implications of the legal actions and grievance actions they had to take. Substance photo by John Kugler.

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