


SEIU International President Andy Stern spoke to SEIU organizers and staff on October 10, 2006, at Chicago’s UNITE HERE union hall on Ashland Ave. At the time, Stern was in Chicago promoting his book. Since Stern’s Chicago visit, tensions between SEIU and other unions, on the one hand, and within SEIU, on the other, have escalated, at times resulting in violence. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.

SEIU International President Andy Stern spoke to SEIU organizers and staff on October 10, 2006, at Chicago’s UNITE HERE union hall on Ashland Ave. At the time, Stern was in Chicago promoting his book. Since Stern’s Chicago visit, tensions between SEIU and other unions, on the one hand, and within SEIU, on the other, have escalated, at times resulting in violence. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.