Gibson on target on PBS, NPR critique

October 30, 2007

Rich Gibson's article (Sept '07) critical of NPR's apologetics for NCLB driven corporate model  'reconstitution' of  'failing schools' in San Diego is another real wake-up call on the planned increase in  'schools run for profit'under various charterizations  or else possibly closed down altogether...

Now, here in Los Angeles, threatening the draconian penalties of NCLB for 'failed schools', the LA Superintendent of Schools, Adm. Brewer, has labeled 44 LA schools, all secondary, as 'failing schools.' It seems here too, the people are going to be in for more of the  'Smaller schools' model that you have in Chicago.  LA teachers are almost totally 'in the dark' on what will/can happen in the near future. The LA teachers union UTLA playacts, issues some milquetoast criticisms of existing charters, but by and large, goes along passively with the program.

Another issue not mentioned much is that the charterized schools apparently are able to 'cherry pick' the surrounding schools of their best students.  That's a big 'leg-up' for charters whilst weakening the other non-charter schools! It seems as though the education unions are taking a dive and their alliance with the Democrats  (and even some Republicans), in bi-partisan fashion, ardently back NCLB means that the corporate rule over schools will be even more direct and instead of indirect.

But Mr. Gibson should not have use terms like 'fascism' so loosely. This is still a democracy, one run by these corporations and banks because at this stage, the bosses get most of what they want for their ruthless capitalist competition. profit making. There is no longer any real kind of real 'labor movement' that the rich have to fear in the USA at least for now.

Hence their best form of political government is still 'democracy' which is itself based on even buying and selling politicians on their glorious market. whilst sowing the illusion of 'freedom' for workers..

Otherwise, I congratulate Mr. Gibson and Substance for trying to get to the roots of many of our woes  & challenge the lies & deceit of the Corporate run media mafias, and their little sidkicks like NPR and PBS.

- Neil Chertcoff

Los Angeles, CA

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