

Editorial: Daley's legacy: Teacher bashing, destabilization, gang murders

Elsewhere in this Substance, we propose that “accountability” in Chicago should immediately result in the firing of Chicago Schools CEO Arne Duncan and Mayor Richard M. Daley.

The school destabilization plan promoted for the past seven years by those two has been partly responsible for the increase in gang activity and gang murders in Chicago’s inner city.

But of course in Chicago “accountability” means teacher bashing, and nobody is better at that than Richard M. Daley and Arne Duncan.

So there will be no true accountability as the epidemic of gang violence continues because Mayor Daley has failed for nearly three decades to stem the city’s drug gangs and because Arne Duncan has managed, for the better part of a decade, to destabilize the only stable place in many inner city communities — the local public school — in the name of crazy “market” theories of public service. Daley and Duncan are proud privatizers, and privatization is one of the reasons things have gotten out of control.

The media share part of the blame for this. For more than a decade, Mary Mitchell of the Sun-Times has refused to publish anything negative about what’s been going on in CPS. 


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