Many additional articles about George Schmidt
In the weeks following George's death, many of our friends wrote articles about him. We published most of these October 2018. Each tells a different story about him as a teacher, union organizer, journalist, and friend.
George Schmidt teaches his Amundsen students using Macintosh computers in the late 1980s. The photo and a story about George appeared in the Macintosh Writing Resource Guide, K-12. The 56-page book was published by Apple Computer, Inc. in 1990.
A tribute to George and his many decades of work for teachers and students in Chicago by Terry Daniels
An exemplary life by Rich Gibson
The great George Schmidt is gone by Norm Scott
Thankful to George for strengthening the union by Kim Goldbaum
RIP George Schmidt, co-founder of Substance by Jim Vail
Substance and George's wonderful legacy by Marybeth Foley
Working people lost an important leader; it was right and just to have published the CASE by Monty Neill
George's spirit will always be with people around the world, fighting for social and economic justice by Kim Scipes
George showed no fear revealing problems, lies and idiocies by George Milkowski George's almost superhuman energy and brilliance by Miriam Socoloff CASE test publication shows George's unshakeable morals by Sue Carrel
Some of George Schmidt's words of wisdom by Susan Zupan George Schmidt – In memoriam, who will educate the educators? by Sean Ahern
George Schmidt on Labor Beat by David Vance
A treasured Chicago fighter for quality public education and fighter against a wide range of U.S. wars at home and abroad by Neal Resnikof
A meticulous editor and researcher, who spent more than 40 years fearlessly reporting the truth by Bob Simpson and Lotty Blumenthal
Chicago Teachers Union: George's tremendous legacy as a champion of labor by Jesse Sharkey, CTU President, and Christine Geovanis, CTU Director of Communications Chicago City Council passes resolution honoring the life and memory of George N. Schmidt by Alderman John Arena
George Schmidt death notice for Chicago daily papers by Sharon Schmidt
By: Sharon Schmidt
So many different stories
These pieces written are written by people who knew George over many decades. There are so many stories here.
By: Williamnok
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By: Sharon Schmidt
Many reports
After George died, 20 Substance reporters and friends submitted stories about their experiences with George. All are wonderful, tell a different story.