

Who Will Keep Chicago Safe

Safety is the only question you must ask yourself about voting for a new Chicago mayor. Everything else is nonsense if we are not safe to go to work, school, shopping, or hanging out in the park.

We have been doing this for a long time, and there is no perfect candidate, and there never will be.

What matters is who is best for the job in this moment.

What matters is who you trust to restore safety in our city.

What matters is who can do the job of running Chicago.

In the last 20 years of elections, we have been tricked into thinking ideology is the important test to be elected. As we have seen, many politicians that promise pie in the sky forget the everyday person on the street.

Abortions, Ukraine, and Global Warming, are all critical issues, but does that put food on my table, and is my kid safe playing at the local park with his buddies?

Even the ultra-left politicians in San Francisco have seen that the policies they push hurt the everyday working person.

That may be the lesson we all need to learn.

We should vote for people that can do the job rather than making false promises of racial and ethnic harmony.


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