

Report of electioneering inside of a public school by Stacy Davis Gates at a union meeting

Report of electioneering inside of a public school by Stacy Davis Gates at a union meeting ... posted on Twitter ... This is weird bc i had 10 people ask me why the campus PPC meeting turned into a brandon rally & alison bashing session from our president. We must have different standards for success. In a building that is clearly struggling, i would think the focus should be members’ issues.

A PPC meeting? Why was SDG at a PPC meeting, & how did it turn to the election or you at all?? Is there a different definition of PPC I’m missing? :/

RJ @MxRJ611 Replying to Alison Eichhorn

7:03 AM · Mar 11, 2023

Yes it was supposed to be a campus PPC meeting so people were obviously confused when the conversation turned about me. Also confused as to why the rest of the meeting was about Brandon. And no PPC issues got addressed 🤷🏻‍♀️

Alison Eichhorn @alison_eichhorn Replying to @MxRJ611

11:08 AM · Mar 11, 2023

These are all excellent questions. Meeting started with people writing issues on post-its and sticking them up on the wall. Later they took down the post-its and presumably recorded them but the meeting never returned to them.

Katie Roznai Replying to @MxRJ611 and @alison_eichhorn

11:08 AM · Mar 11, 2023

Must be a terminology issue. We use “PPC” to mean the actual committee that meets with the principal. Any other meeting of union members, especially with CTU rep/Ofcr in attendance, we just call a union meeting. Thanks for clarifying! @MxRJ611 Replying to @krozaline and @alison_eichhorn

1:51 PM · Mar 11, 2023

We have 4 schools in the building, so this was advertised as a whole- campus PPC organization meeting, since some issues are building-wide and should be addressed to all 4 principals at once by all 4 delegates. So this was potentially to source concerns for the official PPC mtg.

@krozaline Replying to @MxRJ611 and @alison_eichhorn

1:59 PM · Mar 11, 2023

That makes sense! And makes the slander and electioneering even more out of line. :p @MxRJ611 Replying to @krozaline and @alison_eichhorn

2:17 PM · Mar 11, 2023

I mean when they announced she was coming I knew it was going to be a mayoral rally. She kept begging/daring us to ask about the dues going to campaign funds, but no one would, since she had set it up as take-down. Then out of nowhere she brings up Alison. @krozaline Replying to @MxRJ61 and @alison_eichhorn

2:21 PM · Mar 11, 2023


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