

Giving your saved money to a stranger for nothing in return ...

Chicago Teachers Union leadership gives outsider access to our union money. Imagine giving your bank account to a stranger for nothing in return ... money you worked for ... poof gone without even an explanation ...

Original Investigation Public Corruption

Lisa Schrantz works with Brandon Johnson at the Cook County Board and now controls millions of union members dollars without any oversight or ethics enforcement, where they make they own determination how the money is used.

Did any union rank-and-file member vote for this transfer of control?

D-1 Statement of Organization (Amendment)

1/9/2023 8:57:50 AM Filed on paper

Friends of Brandon Johnson
D-1 Statement of Organization (Amendment)
1/9/2023 8:57:50 AM Filed on paper
Friends of Brandon Johnson
D-1 Statement of Organization (Amendment)
1/9/2023 8:57:50 AM Filed on paper

Funds available at the beginning of the reporting period: $1,327,877.91

Transfers In: a. Itemized $1,793,100.00 (10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022)

Friends of Brandon Johnson D-2 Quarterly Report

10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022


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