

Anyone ever see this much money exchanged in one second?

Friends of Brandon Johnson
D-2 Quarterly Report
10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
This report has 10 itemized Transfers In totaling $1,793,100.00.
Here it is your union money #fraud #WakeUp

Original Investigation Public Corruption

Campaign disclosure documents from the Illinois State Board of Elections show funds that have been transferred to Brandon Johnson's private political campaign.

The funds originated as salary to union members from the Chicago Public Schools another other public sector unions. Money that is directly deducted from salary checks and goes straight to the Union. Now those funds are in private control of a political campaign.

Money that is going from public taxpayers, to a not-for-profit and finally to private non-regulated cash deposits in the hands of individuals.

In a wider investigation, we should probably start looking into all the other unions involved in this transfer of public money and see if the rank-and-file members of the other unions know about how their money is being spent and if they approved each of these transfers of money.

We are working on a story of cash advances to convicted public corporation federal felons ...

... Stay Tuned ...


Funds available at the beginning of the reporting period: $1,327,877.91

Transfers In: a. Itemized $1,793,100.00 (10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022)

Friends of Brandon Johnson D-2 Quarterly Report

10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022

Friends of Brandon Johnson
D-2 Quarterly Report
10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
This report has 10 itemized Transfers In totaling $1,793,100.00.


January 20, 2023 at 2:17 AM

By: John Kugler

they steal your money right in front of you

these large amounts should go before the entire membership to vote ... you have electronics and have it multiple days ... we did hand counted votes in less than 24-hours start to finish ... i collected the physical votes ... i think one vote was 98% ...

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