

Public Indoctrination: Teachers Union Uses Students for Politics

In what seems to be a complete disregard for Chicago Public Schools' rules against using students for personal gain, the Chicago Teachers Union used a CPS student for politics.

The Union leadership and Brandon Johnson's political campaign directly used at least one CPS student for political operations. The Chicago Teachers Union, on social media, proudly admitted their ethics violations and student contact policies.

And in further looking at some Twitter posts by Vice President Jackson Potter, you can see him meeting with multiple CPS students on another day. Funny, you can see Stacy Davis Gates with a mask seeming to be hiding from the camera. Other Teacher staffers in the picture include Walter Taylor, Jen Johnson, and Rebecca Martinez.

CPS once charged Rebecca with kidnapping grammar school students from Saucedo Scholastic Academy to attend a protest in downtown Chicago, miles from their school.

Reading CPS policy and rules, there should be no unauthorized contact with CPS students outside of school grounds not approved by the school district and not related to district programming.

Employees at the teacher's Union are Chicago Public Schools employees and are all teachers on leave. Brandon Johnson is a teacher on leave, Jackson Potter is on leave, and Stacy Davis Gates is on leave, as is her Chief of Staff, Jen Johnson.

The rules of the Board of Education apply to the staff at the Union since they work in the schools; there should be no contact with CPS students if it's not school related, authorized by the school district, and only when there's permission from a parent for each event.

Any off-campus student activity needs to be reported and approved by school administrators for safety and liability reasons.

The next concern starts as we look at some of these pictures on Twitter of students at the Chicago Teachers Union headquarters doing political work. Can a not-for-profit, the Chicago Teachers Union Foundation, host political campaigns in its building? Jackson Potter @jacksonpCTU
10:43 AM · Jan 16, 2023

The second question is, did Brandon Johnson's campaign reimburse the Chicago Teachers Union Foundation for the use of the building?

It would be interesting to try to get some of those records, but the Chicago Teachers Union and the Foundation are pretty secretive and don't believe in transparency.

They would never divulge those kinds of documents. Or information.

The worst part of this story is using the Dr. King holiday to manipulate a child into a political agenda.

Bet this was Jackson's idea.

Stacy would never let a white man use a black child for politics.



Sources for Report

Chicago Teachers Union @CTULocal1

10:47 AM · Jan 16, 2023

Jackson Potter @jacksonpCTU

10:43 AM · Jan 16, 2023

Hilario F Dominguez 🐜 @its_eeladio

2:22 PM · Jan 16, 2023

Jackson Potter @jacksonpCTU

7:57 AM · Jan 5, 2023

Mueze Bawany for Alderman of the 50th Ward

@muezefor50 8:47 AM · Jan 16, 2023

Office of Student Protections and Title IX - Chicago Public Schools

Code of Ethics - Chicago Board of Education

Sexual Allegations Unit Quarterly Presentations

CPS Office of Inspector General Annual Reports In compliance with the Illinois School Code, the OIG annually reports a summary of investigations which were completed during the preceding school year. January 1, 2023 Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report

CPS Inspector General’s annual report details fraud, sexual misconduct and spending waste by: Ben Bradley, Adrienne Balow, Alonzo Small Updated: Jan 10, 2023 / 06:21 PM CST

Chicago Public Schools’ watchdog flags unchecked overtime pay, lost students, sexual misconduct By Becky Vevea, Mauricio Peña, Mila Koumpilova and Samantha Smylie Jan 5, 2023, 12:05am CST


Chicago Teachers Union @CTULocal1
10:47 AM · Jan 16, 2023
Hilario F Dominguez 🐜 @its_eeladio
2:22 PM · Jan 16, 2023
Jackson Potter @jacksonpCTU
10:43 AM · Jan 16, 2023
Mueze Bawany for Alderman of the 50th Ward
8:47 AM · Jan 16, 2023
Jackson Potter @jacksonpCTU
7:57 AM · Jan 5, 2023


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