

Modern-Day Colonization: Chicago Public Schools Caught Lying Replacing Blacks students with Migrants in a Closed School

Modern-Day Colonization: Chicago Public Schools Caught Lying and Replacing Blacks students with Migrants in a Closed School

News conference regarding the illegal do not hire list by the Chicago Public Schools that's keeping black educators out of the system and helping their own communities thrive and strive. Sister Rosita Chatonda organized this event to bring attention to the lawsuit that black educators are being excluded from the public school system as part of the gentrification of the city of Chicago. (screen-grab news conference 3:00pm 03/31/22)

Dr. John Kugler - January 02, 2023

We are working on this story to get the background of what happened. Here is what we have so far.

The Chicago Public Schools converted a closed African American school into a shelter for migrants, the former Wadsworth Elementary School, later University of Chicago Charter School, at 6420 S. University Ave.

Woodlawn residents are frustrated with a perceived lack of transparency. But the city is telling residents the situation is fluid, and the decision to move into Wadsworth is in anticipation of more migrants coming.

"We don't necessarily want to sit and wait and see what happens," Nubia Willman of the Mayor's office said at the Wednesday night meeting. "We want to be proactive."

The Mayor's office told CBS News on Oct. 25, "There are no plans to use the vacant Wadsworth Elementary School as a temporary shelter for newly-arrived asylum seekers at this time."

"The city's hiding everything instead of coming out forward to us," said Woodlawn resident Luis Cardona.

All the beds for asylum seekers are also filled at a hotel on the Near North Side, and 260 spots are taken at a closed school in the South Loop – even though there is room for only 220.

The Mayor's office said the capacity issue at these temporary shelters is what drove the decision to open up a facility at the former Wadsworth Elementary School, later the University of Chicago Charter School, at 6420 S. University Ave.

The school was shut down starting with a hired criminal and absconder, CPS CEO Jean-Claude Brizard, and put in place by ultra-authoritarian orthodox politician Mayor Rahm Emanuel. BOARDWATCH: Rahm's going to replace Jean-Claude Brizard with Barbara Byrd Bennett... One FNG outsider is as good as another, as long as she's been vetted by the Broad Foundation and checks off that 'diversity' box in the billionaire's check list

by George N. Schmdt - September 08, 2012

Brizzard traveled around the country like a carnival barker siphoning money from public assets and converting government-owned services into private crony companies. Such as AUSL management company with politically connected Board members profiting from these privatization schemes. Part of the same organized club of Broadie's that included convicted CPS CEO Felon Barbara Byrd Bennett, who tried to steal 20 million dollars for herself through fake education companies.

Original Title:1344-schoolclosureguide

Uploaded by John Kugler Date uploaded on Feb 26, 2013

Description: The Broad Academy is a billionaire-funded venture that closely resembles Teach for America, but it trains aspiring school district superintendents instead of teachers. “Broadies” often come

Brizard has said these CPS projects are critically necessary to improve struggling school districts and the lives of the children they serve.

Rahm Emanuel's handpicked schools 'Chief Executive Officer', Barbara Byrd Bennett, has a second job working for Eli Broad against unions and public schools ... and the photographs of her works in Detroit show Chicago's future, despite the rhetoric and lies during the current 'underutilization' fight

John Kugler - February 23, 2013

Many migrants are from Venezuela and other south and central American countries seeking asylum, from what we don't know yet.

It is questionable why these migrants are allowed into our country since the places they are coming from are democracies.

The University of Chicago is footsteps away from this newest polarization tactic by Neo-liberal politicians in Chicago, Cook County, and Springfield.

The University of Chicago is just footsteps from where this school is located, where the birth of modern-day colonization under the Chicago Boys came to be.

CORRUPTION CPS: Did Vitale and Ruiz extend Byrd Bennett's current contract just before the feds raided her homes?... Can CPS fire Barbara Byrd Bennett? Check out her complete contract... Approved by the Board of Education, but a well-kept secret.... John Kugler - April 26, 2015

The Chicago Boys were a group of Chilean economists prominent around the 1970s and 1980s, the majority of whom were educated at the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger, or at its affiliate in the economics department at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. After they finished their studies and returned to Latin America, they adopted positions in numerous South American governments including, prominently, the military dictatorship of Chile (1973–1990), as economic advisors. Many of them reached the highest positions within those governments. While The Heritage Foundation credits them with transforming Chile into Latin America's best performing economy and one of the world's most business-friendly jurisdictions, critics point to drastic increases in unemployment that can be attributed to counter-inflation policies implemented on their advice. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were influenced by Chile's policies and economic reforms.

As the key economic advisors of the Pinochet dictatorship, the Chicago Boys were the forerunners of the economic policies of that government. They sponsored state run policies to decrease national spending, end inflation and promote economic growth. They promoted a policy of strict austerity and cut government expenditures substantially. Free trade agreements and the breakdown of barriers to trade were also promoted to help Chile compete in the world market. They also privatized public companies, and utilized the free market rather than government rule to promote their economic policies. This was part of the neoliberal economic views espoused by Milton Friedman, the ideological backer for their views. Friedman and his connections to the Chicago Boys was highly politicized especially after he received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1976. The policies are also sometimes referred to as shock therapy based on the fact that they were projected to hurt the economy but overall be beneficial in the long run.

Chicago Teachers Union group under fire for crowdfunding trip to socialist Venezuela

By Kenneth Garger August 20, 2019 12:53am

These policies influenced future governments and organizations tied to the neoliberal economic viewpoint such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other International Organizations and governments. However, the relations between these organizations were not always close, and rivalry between neoliberal organizations still existed.

The ideology of free market capitalism and laissez faire economics in conjunction with a strong military rule and total political control is the cornerstone of Pinochetism, in conjunction with a strong anti-communist political platform. These policies and their effects are both highly controversial in Chile and around the World, and represent a major divide in Chilean politics to this day.

CAUSE by John Kugler March 31, 2022
News conference regarding the illegal do not hire list by the Chicago Public Schools that's keeping black educators out of the system and helping their own communities thrive and strive. Sister Rosita Chatonda organized this event to bring attention to the lawsuit that black educators are being excluded from the public school system as part of the gentrification of the city of Chicago.

(picture) News conference regarding the illegal do not hire list by the Chicago Public Schools that's keeping black educators out of the system and helping their own communities thrive and strive. Sister Rosita Chatonda organized this event to bring attention to the lawsuit that black educators are being excluded from the public school system as part of the gentrification of the city of Chicago. (screen-grab news conference 3:00pm 03/31/22)

sources for report

City of Chicago and School District Caught Lying to Woodlawn residents Dec 31 2022, at 5:24 PM Video Report CBS2 News

Woodlawn residents frustrated over lack of transparency about planned migrant shelter at old school chicago


Chicago Boys

Fired Black educators file lawsuit against Chicago Public Schools over wrongful termination organized by CAUSE

Rosita Chatonda - CAUSE - April 01, 2022

CAUSE by John Kugler March 31, 2022

News conference regarding the illegal do not hire list by the Chicago Public Schools that's keeping black educators out of the system and helping their own communities thrive and strive. Sister Rosita Chatonda organized this event to bring attention to the lawsuit that black educators are being excluded from the public school system as part of the gentrification of the city of Chicago.

Turnaround Schools

Jennifer Wholey | December 1, 2011 9:00 am

Fired Black educators file lawsuit against Chicago Public Schools over wrongful termination organized by Rosita Chatonda March 31, 2022 Video Report Fox32 News

Modern-Day Colonization: Chicago Public Schools Caught Lying Replacing Blacks students with Migrants in a Closed School

John Kugler - January 02, 2023

Chicago Teachers Union adds to lawsuit against AUSL, elaborating charges of racism against the 'national model' for Obama administration 'turnarounds'... Action comes after most AUSL people have been eliminated from CPS power... by George N. Schmidt - September 18, 2015

Chicago Teachers Union group under fire for crowdfunding trip to socialist Venezuela By Kenneth Garger

August 20, 2019 12:53am

CTU Resolution to Oppose the Invasion of Venezuela

By House of Delegate | March 12, 2019 | News, Resolutions

Viva Maduro! The Chicago Teachers Union’s Solidarity Trip To Venezuela By: Mark Glennon* July 28, 2019

Cawley and Vitale should be called the 'Turnaround Twins'... Their roots are both in AUSL, Chicago's masters of education 'turnaround'... Do the Tribune's editors want their 'turnaround' sweet hearts to take over the CPS 'turnaround' now on the ruling class's agenda... by George N. Schmidt - June 08, 2015

The latest multi-million dollar lie from David Vitale! Near North High School building was never 'sold' by the Chicago Board of Education!... Vitale's latest Big Lie will cost taxpayers $50 to $100 million in 2014 - 2015. But the lies of this Board began as soon as Rahm appointed them... by George N. Schmidt - June 01, 2014

AUSL? Conflicts of Interest Abound in Board Decision to Turn Around Dvorak, Gresham and McNair... Conflicts of interest charged after Board of Education votes again to turn schools over to AUSL by Valerie Leonard - April 28, 2014

Federal prosecutors seek seven years in prison for Rahm's corrupt former schools 'Chief Executive Officer' Barbara Byrd Bennett... while Tribune still supports Rahm's power over the public schools against an elected school board!... by George N. Schmidt - April 08, 2017

CORRUPTION CPS: Did Vitale and Ruiz extend Byrd Bennett's current contract just before the feds raided her homes?... Can CPS fire Barbara Byrd Bennett? Check out her complete contract... Approved by the Board of Education, but a well-kept secret....

by John Kugler - April 26, 2015

HISTORY LESSON: Cleveland investigation and then a Substance report showed Barbara Byrd Bennett's history of corruption had been exposed in Cleveland long before the 'scandal' of the $20 million no-bid SUPES deal became Chicago 'news'... by John Kugler - May 01, 2017

Chicago teachers need to know Broad Foundation mercenaries — who they are, how they are trained, and why their mistreatment of parents and teachers are part of their mission, — and not an accident by John Kugler - April 15, 2012

Eli Broad: The billionaire behind the charter school attack on unions and America's democratic public schools by George N. Schmidt - August 31, 2009

DISSENT magazine exposes role of Broad, Gates and Walton foundations in attack on public education... How billionaires rule our schools by Joanne Barkan - February 06, 2011

Byrd Bennett's 'underutilization crisis' was written into a script published by the Broad Foundation three years ago (and removed from the Broad website last week)...Who is Eli Broad and why does he want to destroy public education and turn teacher unions into company unions? by Ken Derstine - February 23, 2013

Emanuel's handpicked schools 'Chief Executive Officer', Barbara Byrd Bennett, has a second job working for Eli Broad against unions and public schools ... and the photographs of her works in Detroit show Chicago's future, despite the rhetoric and lies during the current 'underutilization' fight by John Kugler - February 23, 2013

With Ohio residency and voter registration... Barbara Byrd Bennett lectures Chicago on how to close Chicago schools -- and what's 'best' for African American kids in Chicago -- while officially living and maintaining voter registration in Ohio in violation of Chicago residency and ethic rules by John Kugler - April 03, 2013

Original Title:1344-schoolclosureguide

Uploaded by John Kugler Date uploaded on Feb 26, 2013

Description: The Broad Academy is a billionaire-funded venture that closely resembles Teach for America, but it trains aspiring school district superintendents instead of teachers. “Broadies” often come


Woodlawn residents frustrated over lack of transparency about planned migrant shelter at old school

By Lauren Victory

December 29, 2022 / 7:35 PM / CBS Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS) -- For two months, we have been telling you about possible plans to house migrants at a shuttered South Side elementary school.

People living nearby demanded answers, and finally got them at a community meeting Wednesday night. As CBS 2's Lauren Victory reported Thursday, we finally know more about what the city is doing to shelter migrants bused to Chicago.

Currently, the city is housing migrants at 11 facilities – including the Chicago Parthenon Hostel in Greektown. There are 119 beds for migrants at the hostel, and all 119 are filled.

All the beds for asylum seekers are also filled at a hotel on the Near North Side, and 260 spots are taken at a closed school in the South Loop – even though there is room for only 220.

The Mayor's office said the capacity issue at these temporary shelters is what drove the decision to open up a facility at the former Wadsworth Elementary School, later University of Chicago Charter School, at 6420 S. University Ave.

"The city's hiding everything instead of coming out forward to us," said Woodlawn resident Luis Cardona.

That is how several Woodlawn homeowners feel after what seems like a flip-flop with regard to the old school. They contacted CBS 2 months ago after hearing the building was being turned into temporary housing for migrants.

We first reported on the issue Oct. 24.

"I've been seeing a lot of electricians, and Peoples Gas," Cardona said.

Woodlawn residents outraged over migrant shelter plan

Preparations continued Thursday. We spotted workers such as elevator repair crews undertaking some last-minute tweaks at the old school. Add that to the list of work orders for new arrivals we obtained – and the running rehab tab of $1.5 million.

But this time, the city is admitting the repair crews are at the school to create an emergency shelter for migrants – while in the past, they denied it.

"Thankfully, a lot of work has been done on it in recent months," Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications manager Matthew Doughtie said at the community meeting Wednesday night.

Indeed, CBS 2 showed you pictures of rehab work on the inside, and construction vans outside, back in October.

But back then, the Chicago Public Schools called it all "routine maintenance work."

The Mayor's office told us on Oct. 25, "There are no plans to use the vacant Wadsworth Elementary School as a temporary shelter for newly-arrived asylum seekers at this time."

Now, apparently, 150 single men and women will be moving into the old school next week.

"Our ideal target start date there is January 6th," Doughtie said at the community meeting.

That leaves only eight days.

"It's not right for them not to let the community know," Cardona said.

Neighbors invited to the community meeting – which was called a "conversation," but did not really involve a discussion – felt whiplashed.

"it's really meetings like this where we're more told than being a partner," a pastor said at the meeting.

"You've not told us any detail about the safety and security infrastructure around that campus," a homeowner added.

City officials did outline the rules that asylum seekers and shelters must follow. They include:

An 11 p.m. curfew, after which clients may not leave except for reasons approved by the staff such as employment, or in case of emergency.

No visitors allowed.

No drugs or alcohol are allowed on the property.

"I'm frustrated," Cardona said.

Woodlawn residents are frustrated with a perceived lack of transparency. But the city is telling residents the situation is fluid, and the decision to move into Wadsworth is in anticipation of more migrants coming.

"We don't necessarily want to sit and wait and see what happens," Nubia Willman of the Mayor's office said at the Wednesday night meeting. "We want to be proactive."

Again, the plan to move ahead with the old Wadsworth building is apparently because of capacity issues faced by existing emergency shelters. In total, the city is housing more than 1,500 migrants in only about 1,400 spots.

We are told buses have brought 3,800 asylum seekers to Chicago in the past four months alone.


January 3, 2023 at 5:37 PM

By: john kugler

CTU Silent on this WHy?

why is the chicago teachers union silent on converting a school to a migrant facility in Woodlawn?

They are complicit that why. They are pro-gentrification and could care less for any working class students or families harmed in chicago. Look and ask what is the background of the people working at the ctu today. they are all upper middle class intellectuals or technocrats in some cases lumpen like luskin and berg. they are ruling class stooges doing the dirty work to clean out Chicago.


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