

Jadine Chou, Head of Chicago Public Schools security, has failed to keep students and schools safe ... Why does she still have a job?

One of the first people appointed to an executive position at Chicago Public Schools by the new administration under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Jadine Chou has served as "Chief Officer for Security and Safety" since June 2011. Under Chou's leadership, the Board of Education's "Office of Safety and Security" has devoted hundreds of hours to documenting claims that the so-called "Safe Passages" program has been an overwhelming success since the closing of 50 schools in May 2013, federally required reporting of deaths in schools is not being done. CPS officials are claiming that CPS has no information on the problems of death in the schools, while publicity stunts about the success of "Safe Passage" have been staged regularly since the massive school closings of 2013. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt. The Benito Juarez student murders during dismissal is at least the third shooting to take place at a Chicago public high school this year.

Four students were shot outside Schurz High School in Old Irving Park during the first week of classes at 2:45 p.m. Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022.

A 15-year-old student was murdered outside Michele Clark Magnet High School on the Near West Side at 3:16 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022.

2 students were murdered and 2 wounded in a shooting outside Benito Juarez High School as classes let out Friday at about 2:30 p.m. Dec 16, 2022.

There should have been security assessments and gang suppression teams assigned to schools to prevent and interdict any gang activity in our city schools.

Instead, Ms. Chou chose politics over student safety.

She was caught covering up student and gang murders in 2015 and in 2013, having no security plans after the Sandy Hook school massacre, yet she kept her job.

In 2015, Ms. Chou was found to have violated state laws regarding student deaths in schools. Federal law requires reporting of all deaths within eight hours. CPS claims providing the information is 'burdensome.' [FOIA Request for Review 2015 PAC 37475 (Kugler)]

In 2013, CPS was found to be illegally withholding and hiding security plans after the Sandy Hook School Massacre. It is a fundamental obligation of government to operate openly and provide public records as expediently and efficiently as possible in compliance with this Act. The facts are undisputed that CPS did not either comply with Dr. Kugler's request ... it is the opinion of the Attorney General that CPS has violated sections 3 (d) and 9(a) of FOIA by improperly denying Dr. Kugler's request for public records. Accordingly, CPS is hereby directed to take immediate and appropriate action to comply with this opinion by providing Dr. Kugler with all responsive records. [Binding Opinion (13-0001) from the Illinois Attorney General]

Ms. Chou needs to be removed immediately and investigated for willful negligence in the deaths and harm to any and all students hurt on school grounds due to gang violence.


CPS officials are covering up deaths in the schools By John Kugler - September 30, 2015

CPS Breaks the Law Again: No Emergency Security Plans or Training since the Sandy Hook Massacre

February 22, 2013


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