


Trickled On Economy - Chicago and Homan Westside Street Corner

Chicago and Homan the heart of the west-side of Chicago and main street corner. as you can see the buildings are shuttered and messed up looking. yet there are vote for me signs by brandon johnson plastered all over. maybe he should fix the place up before asking for peoples votes. Credit John Kugler Driving around the city I see a bunch of vote for me signs all over the place, plus a boarded up business on a main street corner.

Seems like the politicians forgot to clean up this side of town before they ask for our votes.

And only a few blocks away there's bustling businesses all cleaned up.

You telling me the Westside don't need a store on the corner?

Telling me the Westside don't have money?

Telling me people the Westside don't work?

All that stimulus money, COVID money and recovery money .. it was a ton of money out there for the last few years none of that seems to have trickled down to the Westside.

Nah, maybe I'm wrong.

They did they got trickled on, but a different kind of a trickle.


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