

Another Chicago School Abuse Cover Up by the School System, a Vendor and possibly the Union

Another Chicago School Abuse Cover Up by the School System, a Vendor and possibly the Union - Pablo Varela who worked at Austin High School for Renaissance Manufacturing supported by the Chicago Teachers Union was accused of inappropriate conduct with students

by John Kugler Published Sept 28, 2022

Substance News

Primary Source Investigative Reporting Public Corruption and Child Endangerment


.... Varela was the subject of a misconduct investigation by the CPS Inspector General, which was substantiated ... the District has been moving forward with the legal process of debarment to permanently prevent Varela from working as a vendor ... the Chicago Board of Education is expected to vote on final action on Varela’s proposed debarment at its upcoming meeting in September. (CPS FOIA Office, August 11, 2022) Deandre Joyce, second from left, and other classmates at Austin Polytechnical Academy get a lesson on the drill press from machine shop teacher Pablo Varela.Credit...John Konstantaras/Chicago News Cooperative


Pablo Varela is supposed to be barred from working in CPS for inappropriate contact with students ... we have been blocked from any information about this case that we have been looking into for at least six months.

Lets see what CPS does today, September 28, 2022 and will they hold everyone involved accountable or will they just scapegoat this as unusual.

Agenda Item 22-0928-OP5 Permanent Debarment of Pablo Varela

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 10:30 AM

CPS, Manufacturing Renaissance and the CTU failed to disclose this issue to the public. Who knows how many years it has been since the incidents and how many youth have had contact with Mr. Varela since then.

We have information on how this happened, we are now just waiting on the details of exactly what the non-certfed instructor did to the students.

We have unconfirmed reports and will not speculate until we receive corroborated facts.


August 11, 2022

Christopher R. Boggs, AAG

Supervising Attorney

Public Access Bureau

Office of the Illinois Attorney General

500 South Second Street

Springfield, Illinois 62701

Christopher. Boggs@ilag. gov


RE: FOIA Request for Review – (2022 PAC 72459); CPS File No. (N011037-051022)

Dear Assistant Attorney General Christopher R. Boggs:

I am writing in response to Request for Review 2022 PAC 72459 in which you ask for details that support the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) response to Mr. John Kugler ’s May 10, 2022 FOIA request below:

Please provide a list or records for Pablo Varela, working at or with Austin Polytechnical Academy as a machine shop teacher sufficient to show the dates of employment as an employee, vendor or contractor and assignments including: his resume and application; letter of resignation or termination records; any job recommendations or employment verification records in his file, including requests from other potential employers and; whether the board has designated him as a “ Do Not Hire” employee. • Disciplinary records including, but not limited

to: reprimands, warning resolutions, suspensions; resignation agreements and notices of disciplinary hearings. • Investigatory records, including: school- and district-level investigation records; statements of charges related to the district’s intention to dismiss the employee; reports of potential misconduct to state teacher licensing and disciplinary bodies; police or

child- welfare communications and negotiations related to Varela or other complaints related to Varela. To the extent the foregoing public records are maintained electronically, please provide the public records in that format. If it is not feasible to furnish the public records in the specified electronic format, then please furnish the public records in the format in which you maintain them. Please provide responsive records as you retrieve them. In the unlikely event that you claim any portion of the above public records to be exempt from disclosure under 5 ILCS 140, in

writing please (i) identify which portion or portions you claim are exempt and the statutory provision or provisions you contend apply; (ii) set forth the reasons for your conclusion that such

portion or portions are exempt; and (iii) release the remainder of such records for inspection and copying, redacting only the portion or portions you claim are exempt. Please provide the

information within 5 days, as required by law.”

The CPS FOIA Office responded to Mr. Kugler ’s request on June 24th, 2022. A copy of CPS FOIA Office’s response letter that was released was provided to your office by Mr. Kugler in reference to his appeal.

As noted in the response to this request, Pablo Varela was an employee of a former vendor to CPS and not an employee of the District itself. For this reason he does not have a CPS personnel

file or associated employment records.

However, Varela was the subject of a misconduct investigation by the CPS Inspector General, which was substantiated. Included with this letter for your confidential review are various records related to that matter that are responsive to Dr. Kugler ’s FOIA request.

Because he was not a regular employee, the District has been moving forward with the legal process of debarment to permanently prevent Varela from working as a vendor. This process has been ongoing and for that reason the FOIA office opted to withhold responsive records under exemption ( f) as factual information inextricably intertwined with an ongoing decision- making process.

However, the FOIA office has been advised by the CPS state litigation department that the Chicago Board of Education is expected to vote on final action on Varela’s proposed debarment

at its upcoming meeting in September.

Thank you,

Patricia Majchrowicz

Freedom of Information Act Officer

August 11, 2022


Two Other Cases of Inappropriate conduct with students and Staff were also uncovered by Substance News and in all three cases it is starting to look like the CTU had a hand in covering up bad actions by staff so it would not get bad publicly for its political agenda.

#1) Chicago Teachers Union Paid and Allowed a Sexual Predator to Work with Female Teachers (May 02, 2022) Eric Skalinder a well connected union offical continued to be on the payroll of the Chicago Teachers Union and mentor teachers, go into schools and have access to students information and videos dispite being accused of inappropriate contact with students, grooming students, dating former students, talking to students on Tinder and having sexual relations with teachers that he worked with.

#2) CPS DNH Documents Ronald Lawless Non-Commercial FOIA Request: N011036-051022 (June 01, 2022) Ronald Lawless termination and Do Not Hire paperwork. We were tipped off that despite having a ban from working with Chicago Public Schools staff or students Ronald Lawless continued to work indirectly through a program called HIRE360 and he used the Chicago Teachers Union Foundation Michael Moriarty to have direct contact with staff and students.

and now #3) Pablo Varela FOIA Request for Review CPS Response – 2022 PAC 7245972459 PB Resp 081122 Non-Confidential

FOIA Request for Review – (2022 PAC 72459); CPS File No. (N011037-051022)

Office of Attorney General Kwame Raul letter Pablo Varela FOIA Request for Review – 2022 PAC 72459

(Request for Review - CPS FOIA) N011037-051022 Pablo Varela Information June 30 2022

Pablo Varela CPS FOIA May 10 2022 N011037-051022_Message_History



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