

60k Saturday Night Sneak Move by stacy davis gates who transfers $59,900 to her own employee

60k Saturday Night Sneak Move by Stacy Davis Gates, Chicago Teachers Union President, who transfers $59,900 to her own employee, Brandon Johnson, running to be mayor without Union approval.

by John Kugler

Published 9/24/22

Updated 9/25/22

The money transfer was confirmed on 9/24/2022 @ 8:32:50PM for Johnson to run for Chicago Mayor in 2023.

All this happening in the middle of weekend without approval of the union rank and file and without any formal endorsement from the Union governing body, the House of Delegates.

Autocracy Gone Wild

t the minimum this is a conflict of interest since Gates is the chairperson and treasurer of the CTU PAC fund and also Brandon's employer ... where is the oversight ... or depending on how this went down it could possibly be considered racketeering if it was a coordinated attempt to go around the checks and balances of the Union and Election spending rules.

Stirring up the base

Worse yet it could be ploy to generate publicity as a polarization tactic to galvanize the vote for the upcoming HoD meeting Wednesday.

Is the Double Dipper Coordinating?

Did we mention Johnson is also currently a Cook County Commissioner of the 1st District, while also being a full time staffer at the Union. Those are two day time jobs at the same time. There was also a report early in the week that two law firms who work for CTU, contributed $3,000 each to his campaign, both on the same day.

Sure looks like coordination.

There will be a House of Delegates meeting next week September 28 2022, where we were told by sources that there will be a resolution to endorse Johnson to run for Mayor.

We will see if the governoring body has become a rubber stamp that the don't mind the president of their union spending 60,000 without their approval on a Saturday night.

Same Old Story

This wouldn't be first time that Gates ignored the rules. She tried to become the vice president without getting the proper clearance from the rank on file when Karen Lewis had to step down due to her cancer.

After what Gates did was uncovered, the process had to start all over again. The two union members who uncovered her scam where fired from their jobs at the CTU.

If the resolution fails does Johnson have to return the money?

Now that would be funny to see .. stay tuned to see what happens next.

So, don't cash them checks yet ...


Chicago Teachers Union - PAC 1901 West Carroll 3rd Floor

Chicago, IL 60612 $59,900.00

9/24/2022 Transfer In

Friends of Brandon Johnson

Something don't sound right about this deal


Brandon Johnson will be asked to be endorsed for Mayor by CTU in the next HoD Meeting (9/23/22)

rack·et·eer·ing /ˌrakəˈtiriNG/ noun

dishonest and fraudulent business dealings


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