

we can send a missile to Afghanistan and get a terrorist yet we can not figure out who is giving guns to our kids in the city ?

Tom Ahern @TomAhernCPD

Sep 21

BREAKING: Shots Fired at Police. No Officers injured. 2800 blk of W. 25th Pl.
. Officers did not return fire. Offender in custody. A rifle was recovered. Detectives on scene.

Offender’s firearm recovered on scene. #ChicagoPolice
a 16 year is charged with attempted murder of a police officer this is the gun the police recovered yesterday (9/21/22) ... no adult can purchase this rifle or the bullets for this in Chicago ... yet a teenager in Little Village is shooting at the police with it the other day ... an adult gave this child this gun and bullets ...

do you think this kid went to a store and bought this? he was given this weapon by an adult ... no 16 year old can buy this anywhere in the USA in any store ... and yes we can stop it once we accept the truth that adults are supplying inner city kids with these types of weapons ... the only question is what adults and why are they doing it since these are federal offenses of gun trafficking to minors .. it must be people that are desperate the only problem is this gun looks new so the cost benefit of buying something for 1000 and then selling it on the street don't make business sense ... then it must be for another reason

there will be those that say this is Chicago crime nothing new ... organized crime and gangs in Chicago have been happening since the city has been founded ... the issue is gun trafficking to children in this post ... growing up you could always by a gun on the street and most were stolen in residential burglaries or out of cars

... now it seems that there are new guns hitting the streets that are not available anywhere in the city ... same with the sears that make glocks fully automatic

... no one can buy those in United States without going through an AFT 07 manufacturer’s FFL with an 03 SOT who first has to go through a an AFT 07 manufacturer’s FFL with an 01 or 02 SOT... and again, every sear is traceable even the 3D printed ones ... all guns and ammunition are traceable even homemade ones

... homemade ghost guns have milled barrels that create a rifling unique to each barrel and barrel manufacturer

... the boston bombers were traced buying pressure cookers ...

the point is that either law enforcement does not have the capacity to trace all the weapons being used in crimes or its not being done ...


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