

Kim Foxx slaps husband and he reports domestic battery to police according to Flossmoor Police Department Incident Report F22-02309

Kim Foxx slaps husband and he reports domestic battery to police according to Flossmoor Police Department Incident Report F22-02309 ... she got mad about something that was posted on Facebook that he did ... blocked his exit from a bathroom, grabbed his collar, and threw his video game controller ... He tried to turn on the TV and Kimberly snatched the controller out of his hand and threw the controller ... slapped him on his left cheek ... She can’t come in my personal space and put her hands on me ... I just want to be left alone and wanted it to stop.

June 10, 2022 CWBChicago Citywide

The husband of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx summoned police to their south suburban home to report that she had battered him during a domestic incident last weekend, according to Flossmoor Police Department records that CWBChicago received through a Freedom of Information Act request.

And, CWBChicago has learned, the state’s attorney’s chief of investigations, former FBI agent James P. Roache, has abruptly resigned.

Flossmoor police responded to Foxx’s home at 10:09 p.m. Saturday after her husband, Kelley, called 911 to report a domestic, according to the police report.

“While en route to the address, dispatch informed us the domestic was physical and there were no injuries ‘yet,'” an officer wrote.

Kim and Kelley Foxx were standing on their home’s front steps when police arrived and officers separated them to being an investigation.

Kelley Foxx said his wife “got mad about something that was posted on Facebook that he did,” an officer wrote.

Kim Foxx “became physical” when he refused to leave, the report continued.

Kim Foxx blocked his exit from a bathroom, grabbed his collar, and threw his video game controller, Kelley Foxx alleged.

“He tried to turn on the TV and Kimberly snatched the controller out of his hand and threw the controller,” the report continued.

Kim Foxx apparently overheard what her husband was telling the officer and she said, “All that is true,” an officer wrote.

Kelley Foxx said Kim slapped him on his left cheek, but officers said they did not see redness, swelling, or marks, prompting Kelley Foxx to say he “just wants to be left alone,” according to the report.

“She can’t come in my personal space and put her hands on me,” police quoted Kelley as saying.

He allegedly told the officer “he wanted to make sure someone understands what is happening here,” meaning that Kim is being physically aggressive, the report continued.

“He added that he just wanted it to stop.”

An officer spoke with the Foxx’s 19-year-old daughter, but she said only that she heard a disagreement and did not see anything, according to the report.

Kim Foxx told a Flossmoor sergeant that the couple had argued and she wanted him to leave, the report said. Police continued their investigation after Kelly Foxx left to pick up their other daughter from her job at Culver’s.

“Kimberly explained that she did put her hands on Kelley but it was only to help guide him out of the house,” an officer wrote. “She never slapped him.”

An officer reported that when they asked Kim Foxx if she felt safe in the home, she answered, “I mean, he’s not crazy.”

Kim and Kelley both told officers that “things have never been physical” in their more than 20 years together, the report said.

According to the report, officers “did not see any evidence to support an arrest in this incident.”

Kim and Kelley Foxx chose to stay in the home on Saturday night. It was the first time Flossmoor police have been to the family’s home for a domestic call involving the couple, an officer write.

The Flossmoor report ends with the following paragraph:

“While I was working on this report, Richard Peck, an investigator from Kimberly Foxx’s executive protection unit, stopped at the Flossmoor Police Department. Richard stated if we needed anything we could contact him and he provided his contact number of [redacted].”

After business hours on Friday, a spokesperson for the state’s attorney’s office confirmed that James Roache has resigned after leading the Bureau of Investigations for more than five years.

“We thank him for his service and wish him well. Beyond this, we can not comment further on personnel matters,” the spokesperson said.

Before joining the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office as deputy bureau chief of the investigations bureau in 2017, Roache was inspector general at the Cook County Sheriff’s Office. He retired from the FBI as a senior supervisor resident agent in 2014.

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Below are images of the Flossmoor Police Department records provided to CWBChicago. Flossmoor PD declined a request for bodyworn camera footage. Our request for police dispatch records and 911 calls were referred to a different department.

According to the records provided by Flossmoor PD, the only other call for police service this year at the Foxx household was a burglar alarm on May 10. Flossmoor PD dispatch records indicate the home was secure, Foxx’s security detail was at the home, and police did not know what caused the alarm to trigger.


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