

'Finger Lickin Good' Bread w/ Saliva & Racism Sprinkled on Top!

True Story of a lying, bullying, racist, prejudiced, protected CPS manager from a CPS insider

"Yo! Don't eat that Bread!

True Story of a lying, bullying, racist, prejudiced, protected CPS manager that decided to treat her team to fresh home made bread that goes terribly wrong at their team meeting around the holidays.

Warning, her true colors will be shown.

So old my racist boss that I named in my federal lawsuit complaint wanted to be nice to my team. For our team meeting close to a holiday, she said don't eat breakfast, she's going to treat us. It was supposed to be some cafe, Panera, Corner Bakery type of stuff.

Instead she decided to be kinda cheap and make us something. Maybe that can be considered very sweet, but keep on reading.

Carolyn baked about 5 different loaves of bread. Honestly, they all looked delicious! They were still warm, crumbly, colorful, etc.

Unfortunately, when she started taking the bread loaves out of the pans, she used her bare hands. She placed them on the entire top of the whole loaf. It gets worse.

After taking the loaves out of the pans, she licked every single one of her DAMN fingers! She continued, grabbed the next loaf bare handed and repeated the same licking of the fingers! There were about five or six loaves.

In our meetings Carolyn made it a stupid rule that we weren't allowed to have our cell phones out or use them. I kept observing her take out those loaves of bread and she's still doing all of that licking! My teammates hadn't noticed it yet. I said to myself F that rule, I have to warn my squad! I pulled out my giant huge cell phone like I don't care and I hit the group instantly with a text! It was real quick and fast like, "Yo, don't eat that FRICKIN BREAD! She's licking every DAMN FINGER AFTER SHE'S TAKING THEM OUT OF THE PANS!!!

One of my teammates has culinary training and I swear that he can be a professional comedian. I signaled to him to look at his phone. He looked down and made one of the funniest faces ever with real big eyes! I couldn't laugh out loud, our manager was like a dirty cop, loved to write me up on foolishness. This teammate is always making funny faces. Especially when he's telling funny stories, but this was a serious funny face. As a trained culinary professional he knows all about sanitation, he's an expert at it amongst other culinary gifts that he has.

He quietly, calmly, almost with a shaky voice said something like, I have some culinary gloves at my desk I can run and grab some if you want? I mean my desk is just right there, I got a box full of them. She said no, I'm fine. He looked at me with that face, I damn near died laughing but I had to hold it in because of the dirty poe poe finger lickin good home baking chef (I'm referring to her, not him!)!

My other teammate on the right of me is a big guy and has a deep voice. He looked at his phone and said something like, um. There was some fruit on the table as well. My dude said, Bro can you pass me some of them grapes?'' I passed them but that was another moment where I had to hold in my laugh. Later, he asked me to pass him some of those little Cutie Oranges. I passed them again holding in my laugh. My man was straight vegan today, and I don't blame him one bit!

One teammate wasn't feeling well so she was home. She started to chime into the groups texts like, "huh?... what? What the hell is going on right now!"

While Carolyn was going one loaf at a time, we had another teammate who always volunteered to assist with meetings, etc. She was assisting with the set up. She was too busy to look at her phone. We had that stupid cell phone rule anyway. Either it was instinct or she peeped the licking! She dived right in and grabbed the last loaf of bread but politely, of course. She grabbed a couple of napkins, turned the loaf over into the napkin and then placed the bread covered with the napkins (not her bare hands!) on a plate. She saved the day but now the only bread that we know for sure that we can eat was the pumpkin bread.

Now, it's time for us to eat. Carolyn asked, does anyone want, apple bread, banana bread, etc? She went down the whole list. Everyone declined until the last one. I think that it was the funniest, culinary trained teammate that asked, what flavor is the last one? She said, pumpkin. He said, yea, I'll have a slice of that one. I said the exact same thing, I'd like a slice of pumpkin. We still weren't fully out of danger. What if Carolyn wanted to do the slicing? Our good ole teammate bailed us out again! She said, I'll slice it! She may have even said, "lemme wash my hands real quick!" That was a very deliberate, nice hint, dig whatever you want to call it and we were thankful

As the meeting went on, it seemed like our manager's feelings may have been hurt. After all she did slave over a hot stove to make those warm delicious looking breads early in the morning and made it safely to the office with them while they were still warm. Feelings versus germs? Staying safe will win each time! The bread saga isn't over just yet. There's more!

Usually after a meeting or if someone generally wants to be nice at our office, they share the leftovers, bring in sweets, etc. They usually placed the items on the top of a cabinet on the third floor. Our CEO, Chief of Ed, COO, Chief of our department and many important people sat on the third floor.

I texted one of my friends, also a minority upstairs immediately, "Bro, don't eat that bread, tell your team, spread the word!" He's like, Bro, are YOU SERIOUS! Hell yea, I am! Spread the word Bro! He tried his best, unfortunately, the other people just wouldn't listen to him.

Maybe because he was a minority? 🤔

They got down on that bread. By 'got down', I mean they ate it all! Damn. Perhaps her protectors ate some too? Hopefully our CEO, COO, CeD, didn't have any? I wonder if anyone would have done anything about it since she is protected?

Well, our boss was known to be prejudiced, racist, discriminatory, a liar, a bully, ignorant, protected, and all of the above. She acted like black and brown people were dumb, definitely not smarter than her and not connected to anyone like the people that were protecting her. She, "had to" help us communicate, etc. She, "had to" assist us with our roles that she had no clue of. Regarding communication, this is one of the major racist hidden biases tools that some racists use. When they decide that they don't like you, they always say that they had to help you communicate, proofread your memos, emails, presentations, etc. It's like you didn't exist until they arrived. On our small team we had about six people with masters degrees, at least three that completed doctoral level courses and one working on her dissertation. This woman, our manager, couldn't even spell the name of our three acronym department. She was hired by our Chief, he hired her as a teacher 20 years prior. He took her word blindly, complain about her to him and you better expect that retaliation knocking at your door or cubicle.

Carolyn beat out three veterans with a combined 30+ years of experience and became our boss with her zero experience. She came with a tarnished record of minority complaints. She wasn't smart enough to even make her Google calendar private when she arrived. She had hearing after hearing to attend for weeks on her public calendar from grievances that were reported to our union. When people told her that her calendar was public she would respond rudely and condescending. She would tell them, no it's not, I know what I'm doing. She did that until someone white told her that her calendar was public.

She definitely listened then.

In order to become our manager, there was a very detailed set of performance tasks that only an insider with experience could complete successfully, definitely not her. However, she was given the job by her good buddy the Chief who now works at a company that has the name of a fruit and gives out awards to teachers. He paid her six figures with zero experience from our department and field. Now, back to the bread.

I forgot to mention that Carolyn decided to confide in a manager about the bread fiasco. She talked about how ungrateful we are and that we had bad manners, she even cried. She is a "Karen Champion" she's never lost a bout, she's undefeated. She can pull out her "Karen tears" and get red faced at the drop of a hat, do her damage and then go back to her business quickly like a sneeze or on Facebook while at work. She would openly be on Facebook at work not doing anything or like she didn't have a care in the world (on the 3rd floor again).

Well, until about a month and a half ago, I thought that it was the end of that bread story. We all still reminisce and can laugh about it now. I thought that we knew everything about the bread incident. Unfortunately, I was wrong. There's more to the bread story.

After the mask mandate was lifted, my old team had a reunion dinner. At the end of night, one of our teammates said that they had to tell us something. This teammate had been waiting for two years to get this off of their chest.

We all zoomed in anxiously to hear this news. My teammate said that they were so happy that none of us ate any of that bread that day. We were all quiet, like why? They said that they were early to our finger licking good meeting along with our manager. Carolyn was in a fuss and upset! Carolyn then started to clean off the bag that her precious bread and fruit was carried in. Carolyn then said she was very upset that her dog pissed on the bag after she packed everything that morning. She was so angry and upset at that dang dog!

The dog that she was referring to was a 165 pound, 7 foot tall (while standing on two feet), Great Dane!!! Uh, I'm not a scientist but she didn't have her fresh baked goods and fruit in a 7 foot tall cleaners style bag. It is highly likely that dog piss definitely went over the top of that bag. Can you believe that she drove the bag of goods from the North Side of Chicago in morning rush hour traffic, parked her car in a garage downtown, walked two blocks, used her badge to walk thru the glass security doors, swiped in on the third floor, probably put her coat and purse at her desk also on the third floor, then came to the garden level on an elevator or escalator and then decided to clean the Great Dane Dog Pissed (heavily soaked in by now) bag that I think was brown paper (I could be wrong), remove the food and serve her ignorant, dumb, ungrateful, no manner having, all minority team with saliva soaked hands, (probably a mixture of dog piss, soap and saliva)???

The End!

I'm thinking about the sheer disgust and I can't type anymore. Also, I know that the last paragraph is a major run-on sentence or two. You can't make anything like this up! The End! Again!

Part two will be about how she racially harassed one of Chicago's most famous people that donated $2.2 million+ to CPS!


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