
Trump Talks

At the March 2017 Town Meeting, I introduced an Advisory Motion to impeach Donald Trump based on the U.S. Constitution prohibition of emoluments. This motion was successful.

The news traveled a bit. A bank clerk in a nearby town asked, "Are you the one who introduced that impeachment motion?" When I nodded she grinned, "Thank you!"

But most of the state and the nation ignored our vote. None of my messages provoked a response from any of my liberal Congressional representatives. Even my local paper ignored our vote.

So I wrote a book: Trump, Trump, Trump: The March of Folly. I sent it to media around the country. I sent it to people I've admired for years.


Ralph Nader responded. That's another story, a great story, I'll share one of these days.

Stubbornly, I've written another book: The Little Red Book of Trump Quotations. The book arranges things The Donald has said into popular idioms: From All in a day's work to Zero Out.

In-between there are some laugh-out-loud configurations. Somehow, reading what The Donald says related to Sharpest Knife in the drawer and A show of hands, for example, causes an aha! moment for the reader. Aha! and grin.

If I do say so myself, the result is a) eye-opening

b) maddening

c) laugh-out-loud funny

In an experiment that is probably foolhardy, I am trying to sell this book by avoiding Amazon. You can participate in this act of conscience by sending me $10.00. Yes, send me ten bucks and I'll send you a book that needs to be read.

Susan Ohanian

PO Box 26

Charlotte, VT 05445


April 5, 2020 at 9:18 PM

By: Theresa D. Daniels

Ohanian makes another sale

Dear Susan, the check will be on the way tomorrow. Looking forward to the much needed compendium of The Donald's quotes.


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