
A shorter, sexier Mueller Report: Review of Susan Ohanian's 'Trump, Trump, Trump: The March of Folly'

On the heels of the Mueller Report, the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump is a hot topic. But Vermont author Susan Ohanian has been banging that drum longer than most. At a Charlotte town meeting in March 2017, she introduced a successful advisory motion to impeach Trump based on Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution, the "emoluments clause."

That motion hasn't registered on a national level yet, but Ohanian has been busy nonetheless, penning her latest book: Trump, Trump, Trump: The March of Folly. Through clever and often funny poems — such as "Trumpitch" (below) — she excoriates the commander in chief for his staggering array of alleged high crimes, misdemeanors and just plain gross behavior.

Ohanian's criticisms carry more weight than the garden-variety diatribes you'll find on social media. Alongside every poetic putdown, lacerating lyric and rhyming riposte, she cites related media reports or, even more compellingly, Trump's own words. Taken together, her sonnets and citations form an epopee of condemnation, an elegant union of artistry and reportage that's as damning as it is entertaining.


Ere donning his "values" dog tags,

"You can do anything," he brags.

"Grab 'em by the pussy," advice is.

Move on her "like a bitch":prizes.

Sordid swagger of a two-bit stag.

Review in "Short Takes on Five Vermont Books," published May 8, 2019, in Seven Days, online here. Contents

I TRUMPIAD: A Blowhard’s Biorama 1

II TRUMPLOOT: In Midas He Trusts 21

III TRUMPOTICA: The Women in His Life 31

IV TRUMPETEERING: The Merchandizing Family 41

V BEDLAM: Bouncing Along with the Cabinet 53

VI TRUMPED OUT: Rundown 77



March 26, 2019 at 7:44 AM

By: Theresa D. Daniels

The Incomparable Ohanian

Susan, you have me laughing already. Look forward to reading your new book.

July 18, 2019 at 11:58 PM

By: Theresa D. Daniels

Susan Ohanian Rocks

Got your book, Susan. I'm still laughing as I keep reading it.

Got your book, Susan. Can't stop laughing. Thanks.

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