

Donald Trump continues e-mail fundraising hustles even after he becomes President of the United States!... Trump will get a 'friends' list... 'I am compiling a list for our next president of all those grassroots supporters who have renewed their commitment for the 2017 year as Sustaining Members...'

Ronna Romney McDaniel, left (niece of Mitt Romney), was appointed chair of the Republican National Committee by Donald Trump the day he appointed her predecessor, Reince Priebus, to be White House Chief of Staff. McDaniel, who ran the Michigan Republican Party to the victory of November 9, 2016, had been second in command of the national Republican Party. No sooner had Trump been sworn in as President than McDaniel began fundraising in the name of the President of the United States. McDaniel told Trump supporters via email that she would be providing Trump with a "list" of those who continued to support him. Anyone who believes that the Trump businesses would stop hustling just because Donald J. Trump was sworn in to be the 45th President of the United States of America on January 20, 2017, was as wrong as those who believed that Trump would stop his thin-skinned Tweeting against real or perceived "enemies." Within hours after Trump took the oath of office, Trump's campaign apparatus was continuing the fundraising pushes that had begun early in the Republican nominating fights and which continued after Trump won the Electoral College as a result of the November 9, 2016 voting.

And the Republican National Committee promises that it will give the President of the United States a "list" of all his friends (those who have paid to support him, now via the Republican National Committee). Can an "Enemies List" be far behind?

The January 20, 2017 Trump message came in two parts. The first part was a message from President Trump, now President of the United States. The second part was a naked appeal for funds to support the Trump -- Republican National Committee apparatus. The list was the same list that had been compiled by the Trump campaign organization during Donald Trump's successful presidential run.

MESSAGE NUMBER ONE. Donald Trump's January 20, 2017 message to those who contributed to his 2016 campaign reads as follows:

[Undated, but arriving shortly after noon on January 20, 2017]

________ {Supporter]

I am humbled to write to you for the first time as your president.

This is an honor I will never take lightly – and I will NEVER forget the brave and strong Americans who entrusted me with this great responsibility.

Today, the world witnessed a free people reclaim their independence and take their country back. And it was all thanks to your support and winning attitude, _______.

Ronna McDaniel –- our Party’s terrific new chairman and a real winner –- will soon be sending me a list of our many members who renewed their commitment for the 2017 year.

_______ [name of supporter], I hope you will accept your Sustaining Membership to sustain everything we accomplished for years and years to come.

Please accept your Sustaining Membership for the 2017 year and make a contribution of $250, $100, $65, $50, $35, $25, or $15.

I am ready to work for you, I am ready to fight for you, and together, we will Make America Great Again!

God bless you,

Donald J. Trump

President of the United States

Message arriving to email list of Trump Supporters on January 20, 2017, from the "Republican National Committee" (undated but distributed on January 20, 2017 shortly after noon in an email that began with Trump's "President of the United States" message above)...

Tomorrow, you get the honor of seeing your work, your sacrifices, and your perseverance pay off.

And I will be humbled to stand at President Trump’s side as the newly elected Chair of our Party.

But I will also remember that we never could’ve done it without the grassroots of our Party. Thanks to your courage, the forgotten men and women will once again have a voice in our country.

Before this great moment in our country’s history, I want to show our next president how many supporters have renewed their commitment for the 2017 year by becoming Sustaining Members.

Please accept your Sustaining Membership for the 2017 year by making a contribution of $250, $100, $65, $50, $35, $25, or $15.

We didn’t win this election by relying on a few big donors and special interests. We won because millions of hardworking Americans chipped in whatever they could to save our country.

Millions of Americans giving $10, $15, $25, $60 proved to be stronger and far more powerful than a handful of special interests trying to buy the election.

You helped show the world that when the American people band together, nothing can stop us.

But now is not the time to stop fighting. Just because we won an election doesn’t mean our job is done.

As your next chairman, I will fight to sustain everything we achieved in 2016, and set us up for an even bigger 2018 and 2020.

I will fight back when the media distorts our message and deceives the American people. I will fight to ensure we have the best data, the best messaging, and the best ground game.

But I can’t do it alone. It won’t happen unless the grassroots of our Party once again step up and lead that unity.

I am compiling a list for our next president of all those grassroots supporters who have renewed their commitment for the 2017 year as Sustaining Members, and I’d be humbled to add your name.

Please accept your Sustaining Membership for the 2017 year by making a contribution of $250, $100, $65, $50, $35, $25, or $15. Thank you,

Chairman Ronna McDaniel, Republican National Committee


January 20, 2017 at 6:17 PM

By: Chris Rudzinski

It Is Your Day


Looks like corruption at school districts and labor union leaders clicks will end quickly.

Those who steal and manipulate will face

a fist of the justice.

Crooks will find appropriate places they deserve.

It is your day!Celebrate the 45th President of the United States!

January 21, 2017 at 11:51 AM

By: Kim Scipes

Chris Rudzinski's nonsense

I don't know where to begin, but I'll try: anyone stupid enough to believe that billionaires or millionaires give a shit about ordinary people is stupid to the nth degree. It is beyond comprehensible. (See Rauner or Rahm if you doubt me.)

Yes, we have problems in the United States, many that pols of both parties have failed to deal with. We have an environment that is deteriorating every day. We have a health care system that is corrupt--and expensive. We have violence against women and children. We have urban decay, destruction, death, violence--especially in some our our inner cities, but not all--but we have that in rural areas. (Do people know that of all the people in poverty--65% are WHITE, not black or Latino? ) We have a corrupt mainstream media. We have an economic system providing fewer and fewer jobs, and at lower and lower amounts of pay. I could go on ....

No, some incompetent, ignorant person like Donald Trump won't solve these problems. And if you want to really know who Trump is, look at the scum he's putting in power through his cabinet picks. Draining the swamp, my ass: he's STOCKING the swamp. And with picking Mike Pence as VP, he's garnered assassination insurance!

If things are going to change, it's because of us standing together, rejecting stupidity, demanding accountability of our leaders, and working together to make the change WE want. It's long, hard and slow, but it's the only way: no quick solutions, no billionaire "saviors" nothing but clear thinking, hard work and solidarity. With people in the US and around the world.

And for Trump: to semi-quote Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory," I wouldn't have coitus with him even with Rudzinski's genitalia!

January 21, 2017 at 1:34 PM

By: Al Korach


I\'ve just read the last two comments.(Scipes-Rudzinsy). One is optimistic the other fatalistic.The thing that both have in common is that neither give a possible solution to the situation. As an 87 yr.old Democrat from the times of F.D. Roosevelt and a labor oriented voter I\'m faced with two choices. Both choices come with baggage. I voted for Trump. Only time will tell me if I made the right choice. I could not separate Bill from Hillary. I do not hold it against a person because they made a lot of money. I only wish I was one of them. At the least Trumps\'s campaign made me feel alive. The election is over and Trump won. We may not like it but it is our system that worked. It is much better than supporting the protesters that arrived with hammers to smash windows along the parade route. GET OVER IT. HE WON WITH THE HELP OF OUR SYSTEM. GOD BLESS THIS COUNTRY!!

January 22, 2017 at 5:32 PM

By: Susan Hickey, LCSW

What do you mean 'who paid for it?'

The Women's March on Washington and the nearly 700 marches across the world were NOT bankrolled by anyone. That is the type of thing that 1% folks do for their billionaire candidates! This was a movement of women, LBGQTQI, immigrants, Muslims and other vulnerable people who are scared of losing their rights.

There is no sinister plot here!

January 22, 2017 at 11:29 PM

By: Edward F Hershey

Women's March

I know one of the march organizers was a member of the CTU Executive Board -- she's a school clinician, and does not appear to be independently wealthy, nor to have access to a lot of Dark Money.

January 24, 2017 at 4:30 AM

By: George Schmidt

Hacked 'comments' and comment rules...

For the past month, Substance has been hacked in Russian, Greek, and some other languages. Every morning when I boot up to begin publishing on the site, I am forced to spend a long time (this morning, 15 minutes) deleting spam nonsense that has been "posted" at us during the night.

Because we maintain an open comments section, there is no way that I can stop these "comments" from being posted. However, the editors will continue to clean up the site at least once a day so that real people can make real comments.

Also, our rules state that anyone who provides us with their full name and a valid email address can post a comment, provided that the person does not publish some kind of defamation.

For years, Kris Rudzinski tried to post comments under various pseudonyms, and as a result his nonsense was deleted regularly.

For the past few weeks, he has been following our guidelines and posting in his own name. Hence, his comments remain up for people to respond to. The fact that they are infantile, anti-semitic, or otherwise silly does not preclude them from appearing here. Everyone who then follows our simple comment guidelines is thus and then free to respond to his silliness... Or that of others here.

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