

Lead update... Protocols for checking on lead poisoning in water... CPS was supposed to be doing certain checks, especially for older schools many of which had lead pipes...

Because of the massive privatization of school engineers, custodians, and nurses, there is no one trained and qualified to actually do the inspection of Chicago's remaining real public schools for lead. The result is that CPS officials, from Forrest Claypool (and his predecessors) on "down" have been covering up the lead crisis in CPS -- and passing the buck to their overpaid propagandists in the "Communications Office" to evade questions on the problems that some feel will make Flint look like Disney World... As the news of widespread lead testing manipulation becomes more evident across the country -- and here in Chicago -- Substance News has obtained the "Potable Water Sampling Protocol for Lead Concentration dated April 15, 2016." Strangely we requested all documents related to lead testing in the Chicago Public Schools but were not provided with any other protocols except the one from April of this year.

It makes one wonder: Have there every been any other protocols, or is CPS hiding them.

Clearly on the document provided it says (Rev. 2). We want to see where is version 1. But that is a story for another day.

Potable Water Sampling Protocol for Lead Concentration

April 15, 2016 (Rev. 2)

This Elementary School Sampling Protocol is based on EPA Revised Technical Guidance is

based on the USEPA Revised Technical Guidance "3Ts for Reducing Lead" dated October

2006. The purpose of this Protocol is to collect, analyze and measure the concentration of lead in potable water in Chicago Public Schools Elementary School Buildings. Young children, those 6 years and younger, are at particular risk for lead exposure as their nervous systems are still undergoing development and thus are more susceptible to theeffects of toxic agents such as lead.

1.0 Selection of schools for testing was based ari:the EPA guidance. The following criteria were applied.

1. Schools constructed prior to 1986.

Through the early 1900s, lead pipes were commonly used for interior plumbing in certain parts of the country in public buildings: Plumbing installed before 1930 is more likely to contain lead than newer pipes. Between 1920 and 1950, galvanized pipes were also used for plumbing.

2. Schools with plumbing ranked 5 or Worse in the most recent School Assessment.

3. Schools with Pre-K or Kindergarten programs which would most likely include children 6 years or under who would be most at risk-from high lead levels.

4. Schools with Cooking Kitchens:as these would present an additional route of exposure.

2.0 Prior to sampling the-person:responsible for collection of the sample shall.

1. Complete the Potable Water Sampling survey (Attachment 1)

2. Visit the school and interview the school custodian to finalize or confirm the information on the survey, and to generate a floor plan/sketch drawing showing the water outlets in the school. (Sketches' are available from the School's AHERA reports)

3. If the school has not been in normal operation for more than three days, the Sample Collector will need to ensure that all potable water outlets are flushed completely the day prior to testing. The sampler will simulate normal water use by ensuring that all potable water outlets are thoroughly flushed the on the afternoon prior to the day of sampling. The sample should be collected within 18 hours after the end of the flushing period the evening before.

4. If the school has been operating normally for at least three days prior to testing, the Sampler will not need to ensure that all potable water outlets are flushed completely.

5. On the day prior to testing, the Sampler will instruct/confirm with the engineer that no water outlets in or around the school will be utilized until the sampling is completed.

3.0 During the inspection/sampling at each school, the Sampler shall:

1. Return to the school for sampling at a minimum of 8 hours after but not later than 18 hours after the time of the flushing.

2. Prior to the commencement of sampling the Sampler should confirm/verify with the

engineer that no water outlet in and around the school has been operated/utilized within the time period between the flushing and sampling.

3. Prior to commencement of sampling the Sampler should identify all outlets that are most likely used for drinking and food preparation purposes. The sample must be collected from a COLD water tap.

4. Prior to commending sampling the Sampler should identify and Mark all water outlets to be sampled on the generated floor plan/Sketch drawing: showing th6.potable only water outlets in the school.

5. Sample identified outlets in accordance with the USEPA Protocol.

4.0 Conducting Sampling

1. Collection Procedures

a. All water samples collected should be 250 milliliters (mL0 in volume). A smaller sample is more effective at identifying the sources of lead at an outlet because a smaller sample represents a smaller section of plumbing. A smaller sample is also more representative of water per serving consumed by a child. b. Collect all water samples'from COLD water taps BEFORE the facility opens and BEFORE any water .is used:::: Ideally, the water should sit in the pipes unused for at leaSt-:8 hours but not rnore than 18 hours before a sample is taken. However, water may be more than 18:hours old at some outlets that are infrequently used. If this is typical of normal use patterns, then these outlets should still be sampled.

c. Make sure that no water is withdrawn from the taps or fountains from which the samples are to be collected prior to their sampling.

d. Do not collect samples in the morning after vacations, weekends, or holidays if possible. If samples must be taken during these periods, ensure that the system has been adequately flushed at least 8 hours prior to the sampling.

2. Labeling

a. Assign a unique sample identification number to each sample collected. The sampling number system should be as follows.

1. Facility Name,

2. Annex, Addition, Branch, Gym, Auditorium, Pre-K

3. Unit Number,

4. Fountain (F), Water Cooler (WC), Cooking Sink (CS)

5. Floor Number (B,1,2,3)

6. Fountain/Sink location (North, South, East, West, Central),

7. Unique identifier.

b. On the record keeping form include:

1. Sample ID niiniber

2. Type of sample taken (ie first draw, follow-up, etc)

3. Date and time Of Collection

4. Name of the Sample.:Collector

5. Location of the sample site

6. Name of the-manufacturer that produced the outlet and the outlet model number, if known.

c. Handling of Sample Containers:

Follow instructions provided by the laboratory for handling sample container's.

2. Ensure that containers are kept sealed between the time of their preparation by the laboratory and the collection of the sample

3. Carefully follow,the laboratory's instruction for preservation of the samples.

4. Keep samples in containers that are at the proper temperature (ice packs as necessary).

5. DO NOT Rinse or OVERFILL containers.

6. Tightly cap the sample bottles

7. Review the sample bottle label to ensure that all of the information contained on the label is correct.

8. Make sure that all information on the sample collection form is correct and complete.


June 6, 2016 at 10:47 AM

By: Kati Gilson

lead pre-k

When preschool had a nurse, teachers collected the physicals and they were kept in the classroom for the nurse to review. Lead testing was always on the form. It was the nurses responsibility to notice any problems on the form but I always reviewed them too. I don't know if lead is still tested for preschoolers. It would be interesting to see the physicals to see what the lead levels are. Parents should be notified to take their children for lead testing, if they haven't so already. CPS should be charged with criminal negligence and endangering children if they knowingly ignored water lead levels.

June 9, 2016 at 8:20 PM

By: Miriam Socoloff

lead poisoning articles

Thank you, John, for this amazingly in-depth series of articles.

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