

Retirees back Duckworth over Zopp, while Duckworth keeps her criticisms aimed at Republican adversary... Duckworth notes that Republican incumbent Mark Kirk has voted to privatize Medicare, among other reactionary votes...

U.S. Rep Tammy Duckworth speaking to the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans aimed her criticisms at incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Kirk and his reactionary voting record on Social Security and Medicare. Duckworth has been ignoring the equally reactionary record of her main opponent in the Democratic Party primary, Andrea Zopp, whose record as a member of the Chicago Board of Education was one of privatization and union busting to equal Kirk's record in the U.S. Senate. Substance photo by Jean Schwab,The Alliance for Retired Workers, representing over 4.3 million retirees and community activists, including more than 257,000 members in Illinois, proudly endorsed Tammy Duckworth for election to the U.S. Senate today, March 7, 2016, at an event at the Workers United Hall in Chicago. Duckworth's main opponent in the face for the Democratic Party nomination is former Chicago Board of Education member Andrea Zopp, whose record has been documented carefully at Substance.

Early voting is taking place now. The primary in Illinois will take place on Tuesday, March 15, 2016.

The Alliance for Retired Workers noted Duckworth�s 100% pro-retiree voting record in 2015 and a 96% lifetime pro-retiree record.

Duckworth's prospective Republican opponent, incumbent Senator Mark Kirk had only a 15% pro- retiree lifetime voting record.

Among Duckworth�s accomplishments, according to the Alliance for Retired Workers information sheet, is the introduction of H.R. 4144, the Seniors and Veterans Emergency (SAVE) Benefits Act, in the U.S. House in December. �The bill would help seniors and veterans by providing a one-time benefit of $581 to offset the announcement by the Social Security Administration that, despite rising costs of many necessities, there would be no cost-of- living adjustments (COLA) for beneficiaries this year. The payment amount equals 3.9% of the average Social Security benefit, and 3.9% is the average increase in pay in 2014 for the nation�s top 350 CEOs.�

Excerpts from Duckworth�s speech:

�Mark Kirk has voted repeatedly to turn Medicare into a voucher program. His actions will dismantle Medicare and leave seniors with little more than a $600 coupon. It will be hard to find someone willing to accept a $600 coupon. Kirk supported the Pride to Act Medicare Guarantee. Duckworth continued: �I will protect Medicare. It is not a giveaway. People paid into Medicare. They have a right to the Medicare benefits. We cannot privatize Medicare or cut benefits.

We need to find ways to spend smarter in the retired Healthcare system. Each year billions of dollars are wasted for unnecessary services, administration, fraud and poorly delivered services. In the House I reached across the aisle to co-sponsor a bill with Peter Roscoe to enact stronger penalties for Medicare, and Medicaid fraud. As a Senator, I will continue to root out fraud and waste. In the Senate I will work hard to strengthen, not weaken, Social Security. Senator Kirk supported the Simpson�Gold Plan which would cut the Social Security benefits even worse. He wanted to gamble away Social Security in a spot formula after we got a financial meltdown. Think how disastrous that would have been, it�s a risk we can�t afford. I believe we should expand Social security benefits so seniors are shielded from poverty. That�s why I introduced a bill, along with Elizabeth Warren to give senior citizens $580 on average to help seniors pay for groceries and prescriptions.� Duckworth also described The Able Act which allows people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities to put money away in a savings program, free tax money, like you fund college for your children, similar to 5292. �That money can grow and take care of you later when you need it for your needs without affecting your Social Security benefits or eligibility. The way Social Security is now set up; people are penalized by losing benefits or eligibility when they work. People want to take care of themselves without being penalized and to take a leadership role. They are not looking for a hand out but want to work and not be penalized. An example is a person that has MS can work while they are able, put money away for the day when they can no longer work. It is good for parents of children with disabilities because they can save for the time when the parents will no longer be able to take care of their child. Actually, most of the people I know want to be out and fully participate in society by working. �

Duckworth responded to a question about trade by saying, �I am a Fair Trader and I did not support the TPP ( Trans Pacific Partnership) which the administration supported. I had real concerns about the dumping of steel in southern Illinois causing steel mills to lay off 1500 workers two days after Christmas. The Chinese Government is playing us unfairly. TPP does not have protection against currency manipulation by our trading partners. We want to hold our trading partners accountable.�


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