

CPS Continues to Terrorize Chicago Parents and Children as Sabotage of Chicago's public schools thrusts forward into 2014... Board threatening to turnaround 300 schools?!

A notice is being distributed throughout the city of Chicago, shared by principals with parents and teachers, in what seems as more CPS scare and charter tactics. The notice, which is distributed in "underperforming" schools, has become the subject of a major discussion on social media, since the implication is that the Chicago Board of Education intends to close, turnaround, or otherwise radically change more than 300 schools.

The threat letter that CPS officials have been distributing across Chicago, as provided to Substance by one school on January 16, 2014.There are some people commenting on social networks that think this might be the way for Paul Vallas, Lt. Governor Candidate, to justify widespread reconstitutions, which are currently called "turnarounds" in the corporate jargon of school reform. These new letters have been going out to parents in so-called "under-performing" schools, most of which are in low income families.

The letter, which many people believe is designed to pave the way for the Board of Education's vote on January 22 to expand charter schools, tells parents that they have the option for a "Choice" program so their children can escape a so-called failing school. The letter states: "CPS must run a program to allow students at the school to apply for transfer to a higher performing school. Students who transfer under this program may receive transportation. The 2013 NCLB Choice program was completed during the 2012 - 2013 school year and all seats have been filled. If CPS is required to run a NCLB Choice program for the 2014 - 15 school year, a separate notification will be sent to eligible families. In the meantime you are encouraged to apply to other schools through the Options for Knowledge program for the 2014 - 2015 school year..."

Ironically, the letter, which is undated, as far as Substance has determined, is being distributed to most parents in January 2014. But it states: "Please note that the application deadline is December 13, 2013."

A growing number of people are suspecting that the timing of the letter is designed to coincide with the CPS "New Schools Expo" -- and annual extravaganza to promote charter schools. While CPS continues to sabotage the city's real public schools, in the coming weeks hundreds of thousands of Chicago parents will be receiving robo phone calls inviting them to the so-called "New Schools Expo."

Pledging to continue to sabotage Chicago's public schools and privatize as many public schools as possible before democracy catches up to them. Board members and highest paid bureaucrats at the December 18, 2013 Chicago Board of Education meeting. Left to right: Andrea Zopp (Board member); James Bebley (Chief Counsel); Carlos Azcoitia (Board Member); Barbara Byrd Bennett ("Chief Executive Officer"); Deborah Quazzo (Board member). Substance photo by David Vance. The "NCLB" letter blames students, parents, principals and teachers for their school's failure. Nowhere is the accountability towards policy makers who purposely starve schools of funding and community investment mentioned. Neither is the destabilization of entire communities through school closings and predatory lending practices mentioned.


January 20, 2014 at 4:30 AM

By: john kugler

Sure Enough

we got calls Sunday inviting us to the New Schools Expo to learn about choice and charter schools. Fucking people do not even pretend anymore. At least in the old days they were a little more covert about this. The parents in our area are messed up from this and a few asked what is the union going to do about this.

January 20, 2014 at 4:36 AM

By: john kugler

where we will invest

so it is clear now for public policy statements, the City will not invest in areas of the city or schools that do not improve test scores, graduation rates and college enrollment. So the kid that does bad on tests, has to take care of his brothers and sisters and wants to be an auto mechanic is shit out of luck!!!


The schools where we will invest � and the students attending them � are seeing major success through test scores, graduation and college enrollment.

� Noble Street Charter High Schools graduation rates compare with the best schools in the state and 91% of grads enroll in college.

� CICS sees 97% of their students accepted to college.

� LEARN Charter Elementary Schools outperform comparisons by an average of 21 points on the state test, 99% of their students graduate from high school, and 95% of them go to college.

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