


MEDIA WATCH: Chicago taxpayers pay more than $2 million per year to provide daily propaganda on behalf of Rahm Emanuel... Synthetic News straight from City Hall, Chicago style

Once again, on August 1, 2013, the taxpayers of Chicago paid for a complete media package from the city's mayor, mediagenic Rahm Emanuel. Once again, at taxpayer expense, the mayor's media team issued a press release which constituted a complete "news" story for lazy reporters or editors and owners who were in the tank with Rahm Emanuel and the Rahm Emanuel propaganda juggernaut. The press release also included the usual two mandatory photographs of the city's mayor, smiling and surrounded by a diverse group of smiling children. So while more than 10,000 of the city's children, including more than 2,000 disabled children, are going through the largest school closing in the history of the United States, the Chicago propaganda machine grinds on, preparing the public for Rahm Emanuel's move to become President of the United States.

The photograph above was provided to Chicago media by the Mayor's Press Office, City of Chicago, on August 1 2013. It came complete with a caption and credit. The photo was supposed to be credited to Brook Collins, who works for Rahm Emanuel and follows him around every day as part of his "twelve apostles" -- the press handlers who make sure that every media event staged by Rahm Emanuel goes off without a hitch. Among other things, the mayor's press team orders teachers wearing union tee shirts away from camera range whenever the mayor (rarely) stages a media event in a real public school during school hours.MAYOR EMANUEL VISITS URBAN AND WILDERNESS CAMPERS AT NORTHERLY ISLAND OVERNIGHT CAMP. Campers Gain Unique Hands-On Camping and Science Experience as Part of Summer of Learning Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. August 1, 2013. CONTACT: Mayor’s Press Office. 312.744.3334.

Today, Mayor Emanuel visited children at the Chicago Park District’s Northerly Island Park, where he took part in the activities of the Urban and Wilderness overnight camping program. This summer, thousands of Chicago children continue the learning process and stay active as part of Chicago’s Summer of Learning initiative, the largest coordinated summer learning program in the country.

“Right here at Northerly Island there are children from all over the city experiencing their very own urban oasis in the middle of the city where kids can go kayaking, fishing, hiking and even roast s’mores,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “These camps are another fantastic example of how we are transforming the City of Chicago into a classroom through the Summer of Learning initiative. This summer, our children are able to gain hands-on science experience that will help prepare them for the upcoming school year.”

Mayor Emanuel met with 8- 11 year old Urban Campers 13 to 15 year old Wilderness Camping group, as the children participated in kayaking, fishing, archery, tent pitching, fire wood gathering, overnight camping and other camping activities. As part of the Chicago Summer of Learning, the campers will receive science badges to recognize their ongoing learning efforts. In addition, Northerly Island Park also includes programs for Adventure Campers (ages 6 to 12), and Bicycle Adventure Campers (agers 12 to 14).

Typical of how Chicago taxpayers pay for Rahm Emanuel propaganda is the August 2 press release from "the Mayor's Press Office" linking "Think Chicago" and Lollapalooza, both linked to promote the legend of Rahm at taxpayer expense. This press release was distributed to all media by City Hall on August 2, right after the synthetic news story reported here. No Chicago reporters report on the manipulations by the city's mayor, a story that would have been a scandal at any time during the past 150 years, before Chicago's reporters stopped reporting news and degenerated into "stories" that can be easily manipulated by cynical public officials and corporate hacks.The Chicago Park District is a partner in Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Summer of Learning initiative, the first summer programming effort in the City to provide every child with the high-quality education they need to succeed during the school year and beyond. As part of a unique public-private partnership with the MacArthur Foundation and Mozilla, Chicago is the first city to utilize a digital “badge” system that rewards student’s achievements and recognizes their learning throughout the entire summer program. ###

Photo Caption: Mayor Emanuel visits with children at the Chicago Park District’s Northerly Island Park Day Camp.

Photo Credit: Brooke Collins // City of Chicago

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