

'It's not a boycott. They'll just never see our business again'... Teachers begin being choosey as Simone's restaurant sides with Rahm during the Strike of 2012

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel talks incessantly about "business," as if corporate America were the only way he can think about defining one of the world's greatest and most diverse cities. And because of the mayor's isolation — both by virtue of his economic privileges and because of his overweening arrogance — he became out of touch with the realities of the city within a few months after he was elected mayor.

And now that the strike of 2012 has begun, some of the businesses that support Emanuel will suffer. The first of these, Simone's on 18th St., took down a sign in support of the city's teachers and refused the support despite the fact that Chicago teachers — and CORE, the caucus that leads the Chicago Teachers Union — had given Simone's thousands of dollars worth of business at events ranging from a "Date Auction" to the after party following the recent CORE convention.

Teachers have decided that Simone's will no longer get any of our business. And the list may grown on both sides. Those who support the teachers and the CTU will continue to get our business. Those who don't will lose it.


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