

Huge meeting planned downtown next Wednesday in solidarity with CTU

The Chicago Teachers Solidarity Committee is inviting everyone to a major rally and meeting next Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at the Chicago Temple. It's called a "Town Hall Meeting" - Reunión de la Comunidad, Wednesday, August 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington. For those who want more information about the Chicago Teachers Solidarity Committee, a Labor Beat You Tube video was made on July 11, 2012, at the time members of the committee spoke during the hypocritical budget hearings at Malcolm X College in Chicago. The URL for the video is:

A recent posting on line from the Chicago Teacher Solidarity Campaign states: "Join the Chicago Teacher Solidarity Campaign for a discussion about the fight for a fully funded education! The Meeting will feature a panel of parents, students, teachers, and community members, as well as resources, information, and opportunities to start organizing in your own neighborhood.

"Our schools are in crisis from years of budget cuts. So why are Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the billionaires on the Board of Education blaming the teachers for our schools’ problems? How dare they threaten to bankrupt our public schools with more spending on charters and magnets, but no money for small class sizes or a full curiculuum? If the city can find more than $5 million in TIF money to give to Board member Penny Pritzker to build another Hyatt hotel, why can’t they find the money for a nurse in every school?"

The event will take place at the famous Chicago Temple, diagonally across from the County Building (and a block from Rahm's fifth floor City Hall office) on Wednesday, August 29, 2012, arriving at 6:00 p.m., activities begin at 6:30 p.m.

Confirmed speakers:

•Father José Landaverde •Jitu Brown (KOCO)

•Erica Clark (Parents4Teachers)

•Mack Julion (Letter Carriers Union)

•Students from Social Justice High School

•Special guests from the CTU


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