

CPS budgeting plans to make Unite-HERE, SEIU, and Operating Engineers members scab on teacher work when strike begins! 'Recess Facilitation Services' to increase to $24 million as 'Broke' Board doubles union-busting 'recess' programs

In a another sneak move that the Chicago Board of Education probably hopes nobody notices, the Board will make an attempt at its August 22, 2012 meeting to increase by 1000% spending on Union busting programs — including the outsourcing of recess — that clearly violate all parts of collective bargaining agreement with Chicago Teachers Union.

Above, the first page of the five-page Board Report which will increase the "Recess Facilitation" and other services privatization. The report above, which will pay $24 million to the vendors listed later in the document, lists qualifications which indicate that the ploy is intended to allow lunchroom workers and janitors to qualify to "teach" students during the upcoming Chicago Teachers Union strike. In the agenda for the upcoming Board of Education meeting the is an item — 12-0822-PR2 — that seeks toi double from $12 million to $24 million funding for programs to pay outside contractors for work that is under the responsibilities of the members of the Chicago Teachers Union. What the Board is doing is doubling spending to hire non-union workers to do teaching jobs. On July 25, 2012 the Board passed teh same agenda item 12-0725-PR4 that supplied $12 million to private contractors to supply educational services. In one month the broke Board of Education has found $12 million to fund private vendors. The Board, through the corporate news media, continues to claim it has been broke both last year and this year.

There is no doubt of the Union role as the exclusive bargaining reprsenative of education employees in working in Chicago Public Schools. Here is the text recognition clause in the past contact:

The Chicago Teachers Union is the The BOARD recognizes the CHICAGO TEACHERS UNION, LOCAL NO. 1, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS, AFL-CIO, as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of all employees employed in the titles or categories of elementary and secondary teachers, retired teachers employed under Article 44-39 and other teachers and related services personnel as defined in Appendix D (hereinafter referred to as teachers); and full-time teacher assistants, school clerks, school community representatives, library assistants, audiometric and vision screening technicians, computer technicians, technology coordinators I, technology coordinators II, technology coordinators III and other paraprofessional and school-related personnel as defined in Appendix D.

Rather than list all the positions listsed in Appendix D here it's simple: all positions related to the education and care of students in Chicago Public Schools are listed.

Below is the text of the agenda item that identifies what jobs will be paid for with $24 million:

SCOPE OF SERVICES: Vendors shall provide to the Board high-quality Out-of-School Time (OST) Program Services and Recess Facilitation Services referred to herein as "Program". OST programming engages diverse students in academic acceleration/intervention; arts and cultural enrichment; and health and wellness programs that extend learning beyond the school day. OST may include time before and after school, weekends, summer and intercession programming and may serve students from grades K-12.

Vendors will provide the services in the categories awarded; the category awarded to each vendor is indicated below.

The original Board Report providing for the expected scab services allocated $12 million and was approved by the Board without discussion or debate (or any public notice) during the Board's July 25, 2012 meeting. The details of the report indicate that the Board intends to claim that lunchroom workers, security workers, and others are going to "provide quality program implementation" during the upcoming teachers strike. At Substance press time it was unclear how many of the leaders of the unions whose members might be crossing teachers' picket lines are aware of the plan by the Board to make their members scabs when the teachers strike.Category 1 -Academic Acceleration and Intervention: Refers to programminglcurriculum that provides opportunities for students to engage deeply in academic content in non-traditional learning environments (e.g., project-based learning; service learning clubs; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) clubs). Additional types of services provided under the umbrella of academic acceleration include, but are not limited to, environmental clubs, chess, civic engagement activities, Jr. Honor Society, college and career preparation, newspaperlwriting clubs, etc. Programming must address the needs of diverse learners at varying levels of academic achievement and be aligned with common core standards or other related state standards. Note: This category excludes homework clubs, individual tutoring, and other unstructured academic supports (e.g., study hall).

Category 2 -Arts and Cultural Enrichment: Refers to direct instruction and supports to students across a

broad range of subjects, (e.g. fine and performing arts, language instruction). Direct instruction of students

includes a broad array of experiences (e.g., communications and technology, dance, digital photography,

spoken word clubs, regionalltraditional art forms, theater performance, visual arts, and world language

book clubs). These experiences should be of long enough duration for students to develop knowledge,

understanding and skills related to the topic of focus.

Category 3 - OST Health and Wellness: Refers to direct instruction and supports to students in the domains

for health and wellness (e.g., physical fitness classes, structured physical activities, club sports, health and

nutrition classes and culinary skills). Nutrition programming must include research-based materials that, at

a minimum, meet or exceed USDA dietary guidelines and, if raw or cooked foods are served to students,

Services shall be delivered by individuals with a certified Chicago or Illinois State Food Handling Permit. All

programming should align with CPS district policies including Food Allergy, Family Life and Comprehensive

Sexual Health Education and School Wellness Policies. Providers of physical activities must be CPRIAED

certified and programming should align with National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

standards to the greatest extent possible.

Category 4 - Recess Facilitation: Refers to the facilitation of structured or unstructured physical activities for

students (K-8). Direct service providers shall be CPRIAED certified and programming should align with

National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards to the greatest extent possible.

Professional Development: Refers to the provision of professional development to networks and schools to

support the implementation of effective OST andlor recess programs that are linked to specific

evidence-based curriculum/models.

Professional Development: Refers to the provision of professional development to networks and schools to

support the implementation of effective OST andlor recess programs that are linked to specific

evidence-based curriculum/models.

Vendors shall work closely with each of the schools where Services are being provided. Specifically,

Vendors shall:

i. Develop individualized implementation plans with schools, including, but not limited to developing

mutually agreed upon activity schedules, student recruitment strategies and activity outcomes aligned to

school goals;

ii. Ensure compliance with Board policies and practices regarding student discipline and management

procedures (Board policies may be found at;

iii. Address any staffing concerns raised by schools within two business days; and

iv. Work closely with the Board's program liaisons, network designees, and Principals to ensure a safe and

healthy environment.


Vendors will provide the following deliverables for Acceleration and Intervention; Arts and Cultural

Enrichment; and Health and Wellness:

Provide direct instruction to students during out-of-school time that provides indepth exposure to specific

content area;

Document all services delivered in the Board's OST data management system and meet all compliance

requirements as articulated in the contract;

Integrate a culminating project or event into programming to provide students with the opportunity to

demonstrate their learning to school staff, families, and their peers;

Communicate regularly with families to provide feedback on student progress and to engage families in the

content being taught through the programming;

Maintain an average attendance rate of 80% in OST programming with a minimum of 10 students

Ensure consistency of staff throughout the duration of the program;

Participate in professional development and training as directed by the Board.

Vendors will provide the following deliverables for Recess Facilitation:

Provide safe and supervised opportunities for K-8 students to engage in structured and unstructured

physical activity. Recess must occur during non-instructional time.

Vendors will provide the following deliverables for Professional Development: Provide meaningful learning

experience for school staff based on best practices for adult learning to ensure staff have the materials,

tools, and knowledge necessary to implement the specific program or strategy.


Vendors' services will result in increased numbers of students participating in meaningful, engaging OST

programming that reflects the students' interest and enhances their readiness for college and career.

As a result of participating in OST programming, students will demonstrate:

1) lncreased attendance in school

2) lncreased engagement in school

3) lncreased knowledge and skills in the content areas covered in the OST programming

4) lncreased readiness for success in high school and college

5) lncreased awareness of career options in focus content areas


August 21, 2012 at 10:57 AM

By: John Kugler

CPS Spy Squads

It seems like rather than working out a good contract withe the Union CPS is restoring to scare tactics and spying like back in the fifties.


CPS Instructs Principals to Document Legal Union Activity As Teachers Fight For a Fair Contract...

CHICAGO – A confidential email recently obtained by the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) encourages principals to closely monitor school employees for union activity. All Union activity is protected under federal and state law. The communication was written and distributed by Chicago Public School officials as a pre-cursor to a strike.

This communication is equally troubling because today, as CTU members conducted informational picketing outside various schools, some principals threatened to discipline employees as instructed by CPS’ legal department, according to CTU organizers who spoke with those school administrators.

The disturbing CPS directive instructs principals to report what CPS perceives as Union related activities “via E-Verify” and report the action as a “Harassment/Threat type incident.” It also reads: “We are asking you to report any activities that cause a disruption to the school day. Examples of such activity cited in the email include the following:

• Slowdowns of work

• Temporary or intermittent walk-outs or sit-downs

• Refusals to perform assigned duties

• “Sick outs” or other abuse of sick days

• “work to rule” actions where employees perform duties in accordance with the expired collective bargaining agreement

• Other job actions that undermine supervisory authority and deleteriously affect the mission and goals of the Chicago public school system…”

CTU President Karen GJ Lewis said, “I am highly disturbed by the contents of this email. We have been very open and honest about these negotiations and our efforts to prepare our members and the public for a potential strike. Chief among my concerns is what CPS plans to do with the information and how the database will be used.

“This directive could lead to intimidation of our public school educators, who are fighting for their voices to be heard,” she added.

August 21, 2012 at 11:50 AM

By: Bob Busch

Teachers report Rat principals to Substance

Instead of worrying about two eyes spying on the faculty, invoke the old idea that turnaround is fair play. Now I am sure some principals had a good laugh over all of this but for those who decide to rat everyone out remember every teacher has two eyes themselves.

August 22, 2012 at 7:33 AM

By: Lee Alexander


DELIVERABLES ??? The corporate caste is now creating words in a supposedly academic environment. Just another leap to making our living (and challenging) students a cog towards profitability for the 1%. Maybe we should go old school and call their mamas. What would mama Brizard and mama Pritzger say? Children are valuable, not corporate greed.

MATT FARMER for Mayor!!!! Sorry Matt, we need you!

August 23, 2012 at 8:16 AM

By: Kimberly Bowsky

Cannot be forced to be a RAT

As Dr. Kugler said, the Board is doing everything it can to invoke Big Brother. Principals must decide the side they're on. With all of the Board-imposed crazy data-driven initiatives, legal red tape, faulty teacher evaluation edicts, building operations, and staffs that are constantly weary and demoralized,they are going to take out time to report LEGAL union activity, or make up lies about union activity during school to rid themselves of renegades who fight for children? Why would you do it? It won't make the school or life better. Being a rat doesn't win you brownie points. You get a bit of cheese. That's A NOTHING. Being a rat, you just get caught up in someone else's maze: you're trapped. So don't be one. DON'T BE A RAT.

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