

AFT REPORTS: AFT delegates canvass communities on behalf of Michigan law to protect collective bargaining in public and private sectors

More AFT support for Michigan unions

On the second day of the convention, many AFT delegates again went out into the community to support a local union struggle. This time it was to canvass for the Protect Working Families campaign to add collective bargaining as right under the Michigan state constitution.

A vast coalition of Michigan unions are working to win this right through a ballot initiative in the November 2012 election. They send teams of volunteers into neighborhoods to talk to individual voters at home, to raise awareness of the issue and seek additional volunteers for the campaign.

AFT delegates, working in pairs, got on vans with members of various Detroit unions at the end of the AFT convention session on Saturday, July 28. Each team knocked on doors and handed out Protect Working Families literature at one of several targeted neighborhoods in the Detroit metro area.

The vans then brought them back downtown, to AFT's Friday night party at the Detroit Institute of Art.


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