

SUBSCRIPT: Brizard 'disappears' those public meetings. Brizard and Rahm ignore budget hearing deadlines... If Chicago had real newspapers and reporters, these jokes wouldn't be on us.... Instead, we get the Rahm fan club at the Sun-Times and Tribune, with Rahmadulation from the misnomered BGA

It's now the first anniversary of the Reign of Rahm at CPS, and the evidence is piling up that it combines corruption and incompetence to a level never before seen in Chicago public schools history. And I write this having studied that history as completely as anyone, and having observed all this as closely as anyone. The Reign of Rahm is the most cynical, mendacious, and duplicitous ever. Sadly, Substance, the CTU, and a couple of reporters will have to continue asking the basic questions, while the rest of our brothers and sisters in the "press corps" continue their craven adulation of all things Rahm.

Take a look at the recent record.

A week ago, every parent of every CPS child received a Robo Call inviting us to "meetings" about the negotiations "across the city." All we had to do was call a number (it didn't work for me, but that's another story...) and we'd be told where and when these meetings would be held. No so, the Ministry of Propaganda now says. Jean Claude Brizard and his noxious "team" are once again ducking any public accountability, or honesty. In addition to lying about the reasons for canceling the "hearings" that we all received those Robo Calls about, Brizard has also lied about the CPS budget hearings and presentation of the budget.

CPS officials were supposed to present the public with a "Proposed Budget, 2012 - 2013 School Year" in June. It's now too late. WTF? Again, the dodge. Again, the Ministry of Propaganda issues nonsense in explanation. The Fiscal Year fiscal year ends on June 30, 2012. Hearings are supposed to be held across the city on the Proposed Budget, and then the "final" budget (supposedly after taking into account what the "public" offered at the hearings) is supposed to be presented to the Board of Education. But the Board is meeting this coming Wednesday; the Board's agenda has to be published Monday; and there will be no budget in time to meet the requirements of the law.

Jean-Claude Brizard has refused to hold a real press conference since last summer. Every public appearance he makes is either unopposed or under the watchful eye of his master, Rahm Emanuel. The Phil Ponces of the world, of course, allow Brizard to appear on their talk shows (Chicago Tonight; Chicago Week in Review) and prattle his talking points, while his Ministry of Propaganda, still expanding, stands in the "wings" watching carefully.

It's not only Brizard, though.

Since last summer, without any critical comments, the seven members of the Chicago Board of Plutocracy and Privatization have voted unanimously to approve the replacement of every experienced educational administrator with overpaid and undercompetent outsiders whose only objective is not to operate a public school system, but to privatize as much as possible before they are caught and brought to trial for their treason to democracy and the traditions of the USA. Consider: How many years in teaching or educational administration does Alicia Winckler have to justify her holding a position (currently called "Talent Officer"), a position that costs more than $200,000 per year?

Of how about Steve Gering, the "Chief Talent Development Officer"? How many years in teaching or educational administration does Steve Gering have to justify his holding a position (currently called "Chief Talent Development Officer"), a position that costs us all (I'm a Chicago homeowner and taxpayer) more than $200,000 per year?

Of how about Tim Cawley, the "Chief Administrative Officer"? How many years in teaching or educational administration does Cawley have to justify his holding a position (currently called "Chief Administrative Officer"), a position that costs us all (I'm a Chicago homeowner and taxpayer) more than $220,000 per year?

This list could go on and on and on. But the joke is really on us. According to the bare logic of tyranny (reminiscent of 1933 and 1934 elsewhere?) "we" elected Rahm Emanuel Mayor of Chicago, so he can do whatever he wants with our school system, right? Out of one side of his mouth, Rahm makes eternal claims about "transparency" and openness and blah, blah, blahdity blahhhhh. In reality, every charter school is a secret cave for soaking up public education dollars without any public disclosure. Every no bid contract is a smirk and a nod, corruption as great as ever in Chicago history.

But if only Substance, the Chicago Teachers Union, and a couple of others try to publish the facts and ask the real questions, the Sun-Times and Tribune, along with that joke, the "Better Government Association", preach and teach the Rahm Emanuel Party Line. Enough for this morning, brothers and sisters...


June 22, 2012 at 9:27 AM

By: John Kugler

Crime is 'Down' — according to Rahm's New Math...

Crime is Down....Still

Homicides totals in Chicago, Below is 2012 compared to 2011

Month 2011 2012


2011, 28

2012, 40


2011, 24

2012, 28


2011, 23

2012, 53


2011, 30

2012, 40


2011, 38

2012, 50

June (so far)

2011, 33

2012, 34


2011, 176

2012, 245

39.2% increase in murders!

Any math people — please check my calculations, since the city says we are all wrong and crime is "down." Must be the new Carnegie math!

June 24, 2012 at 1:38 AM

By: John Kugler

Chicago violence... McCarthy's absurd claim 'the trend is actually turning...'

SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012

The June totals continue to rise, surpassing last year's totals. Almost 20 more shot:

A teenage boy was killed in the South Side Hamilton Park neighborhood and at least 17 others were wounded in shootings throughout the city between Friday and Saturday nights.

Garry continues to spin so fast he looks like an Iranian centrifuge:

“We have a lot of violence in the city of Chicago,” Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said Saturday afternoon at a South Side church where he announced three big drug busts. “The trend is actually turning. You would never know it, but the trend is actually turning.”

Yeah, sure Garry. It's turning so fast that we've actually gone past 180 degrees and we're coming full circle. Do you even bother to read the year-to-year stats instead of the "we had 50% less shootings during the noon to 3PM stretch of 22 June 2012 than 22 June 2011."?

We're running out of ways to say that McJersey and his bean counters are full of shit.

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