

EDITORIAL: Brizard should have resigned in shame, but character is not on the list of qualities Rahm Emanuel wants in his 'CEO' for CPS

Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Jean-Claude Brizard has just gotten the second massive "no confidence" vote in less than two years, yet instead of resigning in shame and apologizing for taking more than a quarter of a million dollars that should have gone for children's education in Chicago, Brizard prattles on. The difference between June 12, 2012, and the 12 months prior to the announcement of the massive strike authorization vote by the city's teachers is that the coverups and talking points and Brizard's constant repetition of that soulful phrase "as a teacher..." are no laughable.

The outsider who was the pick of the plutocracy to continue the massive push for privatization of the third largest school system in the USA has been exposed, as in the Emperor's New Clothes, for the hypocrite that he has been for a long time.


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