

SUBSCRIPT: 'Opposite-speak' translation of written communications from Bored of Education.... Brizard's language — 'Oppositespeak' — gets parsed and laughed out of town by teachers

Following the massive Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) rallies and march in downtown Chicago on May 23, 2012, those of us who work out in the schools received a letter via e-mail from Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Jean-Claude Brizard. Usually Mr. Brizard posts his messages in a separate section of FirstClass, CPS’s internal, electronic, communication system; in the usual section, such messages may be and usually are easily ignored.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel crosses his fingers as usual during a carefully staged propaganda event at Disney II elementary school on April 10, 2012. Chicago Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard (right) waits for his next cue to speak. ON the left above, mayoral crony Alderman Danny Solis (D25th Ward) shows his usual interest in the mayor's talking points and edureform prattle. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.However, on this occasion, the letter was sent directly into each of our separate electronic mailboxes; this is a practice that CPS, as of late, has been utilizing. Briard's complete letter is reprinted below (at the very end of this report). Given the massive response to Brizard's words, Substance has compiled just a few of the comments that CTU members and others have been making.

The following are a few reactions from CTU members (read: intelligent, discerning readers) to the Brizard letter on display below:

“Teachers have endured a whole year of disrespect from Brizard and Emanual.”

“Sorry, I can’t think of anything printable!”

“Liar… (curse words removed) … condescending (curse words removed)… what do you take us for… fools? I don’t know which of these words keeps me from reading beyond the second paragraph.”

“When Mr. Brizard came to our school for forty minutes, he spoke to no teacher for more than one minute… Mr. Brizard is from New York, I guess that’s what is referred to ‘in a New York minute’.” “The man is not smart or an intellectual. He is less than mediocre. He gets paid a very high salary for being a clown and a puppet for the Mayor of Chicago and President Obama.”

This reporter has neither heard of nor witnessed any positive reactions to the letter. I find myself reading anything from CPS “higher-ups,” and especially anything from Mr. Brizard, with lots of sighing, cursing under the breath, and John Belushi eyebrow-raising until I also just move on to something less insultingly disconnected to my reality as an employee (teacher) of CPS.

For those few left who are still not quite familiar with how things (don’t) work inside mayorally-controlled CPS, sometimes what is written is still being misinterpreted and perceived to actually be true. So here at Substance, we have taken the liberty of translating the recent letter sent to employees by CEO of CPS Jean-Claude Brizard. Hopefully this will serve as a sampler on how to read anything written by anyone within or outside of CPS who is making a 6-digit salary in charge of or influencing education reform (read: destroying public education from jealousy, malice, and/or incompetence).

Here is the sentence-by-sentence translation:

Disrespected Peons and Enemies:

Earlier this week, thousands of you *bleepity-bleep* CTU members rallied downtown, and now I need to work on rewriting my resume for whatever job I can hopefully bounce to next, and, if the Democrats have any brain cells left, the mayor’s new nickname will be "One-Term Rahm..." Just ask Richard M. Daley and Ron Huberman what seems to happen after CTU members start chanting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, (blankety blank) has got to go!”

"As a former teacher..." — the key word there being "former" because who in their right mind would actually remain in a teaching position, I am claiming to have marched with teachers, too, because who can actually verify that or not? I already spun it as best I could to the press, so I’m actually done with what really counts to us here at the Bored of Education publicly. But I guess for the salary I (still) make I should at least act like I’m trying to communicate with you, too.

My cronies and I within the Bored have done absolutely nothing from within the system to have teachers or anyone else out in the schools, with the exception of the worst principals, feel that they are respected or supported. They ain’t *bleep.* How dare they think they have rights or freakin’ stand up for anything. I run like *bleep* from real conversations with real teachers, PSRPs, and clinicians. When CPS tries to copycat the tele-town hall meetings CTU successfully conducts live, we instead use index cards with bull****, pre-selected questions, then claim that real teachers and others in the system actually sent them in to us; our modus operandi is to rubber-stamp and implement whatever the mayor and the 1% he represents already thunked-up and decided, and everyone knows it except the few left who need this translation. “Feedback,” just like “input,” is the word used to describe when a stone deaf ear is turned to whatever anyone beneath us in the hierarchy says when s/he opens his/her mouth -- someone please tell me why the *bleep* I need teachers to do my job!?

Everyone in my entire family tree who might still be alive WAS a teacher, because, again, who the *bleep* would still BE a teacher? The people on my leadership team were either never teachers or used kids’ heads as stepping stones to obtain positions way the *bleep* outside of any classroom in America from where they then attempt to run things from positions of safety. None of us has a clue as to what you actually have to do to run a successful classroom anywhere across the city of Chicago; we couldn’t even last an hour as a sub! Even though that was me as part of the mayor’s team illegally canceling the negotiated 4% raises this very school year, we’ll altogether now claim that we promise to do the exact opposite as our very next move; we face a (hey, what’s the number we cooked up today?) …deficit, so let’s see those red-shirted employees just try to talk about getting anything but sleight-of-hand pay cuts when the media in Chicago blasts that (hey, did the number we cooked up change since the last mention above?) …deficit info across the TV screens and radio stations of Chicago. The last number our own experts crunched and computed (read: made up) showed the calculated cost of the union’s financial demands for paying people to work for a decent living at $500,000,000,000,000 bazillion dollars. Hey, CTU, good luck with that Senate Bill 7 (SB7) Fact-Finding Committee hurdle you need to get through, the one we all know *bleep* ain’t gonna come out of!

For anyone who wants to reference that Fact-Finding stage or others in the negotiations or anything else for that matter, good luck navigating one of the worst websites imaginable for finding information no one wants you to have in the first place, if it’s even in there somewhere; and that goes double for any FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests. OMG, they are actually going through the SB7 hurdles and obstacles and roadblocks one-by-one! Don’t they know that they have to respect the opinion of the Chicago Tribune editorial writers, where on a daily basis they can get their fill of notoriously hateful, anti-union propagandizing on behalf of the 1% (that also needs to be read with translation just like this letter)?! Well, they better! To totally not read anything from Substance, click here.

Our goal is to break the Chicago Teachers Union, and from there we want to destroy all other unions and/or attempts at forming unions. In order to do this, we will publically claim that any moves taken by CTU union leadership and membership to prevent this are against children, babies, parents, Mother Teresa, and the spirit of open-mindedness and compromise because they are not obediently following the rules set up by the 1% to destroy them. Like with the republicans, the 1% dictates their fully-funded mandates to the democrats, both of whom are trying to break unions, but they do so much more insidiously and inconspicuously in Chicago and Illinois than, say, in Wisconsin or Ohio; ain’t y’all noticed yet that pension reform (read: pension-killing) bills crop up like crabgrass to continually waste your time, resources, and energy fighting against while that one bill for a moratorium on school closings is still in committee pending 60 billion more data-gathering task force hearings? Here, look, don’t forget that you are also supposed to go through… (list one of the other cockamamie hoops from SB7 that CTU is required to jockey themselves through before they might be able to legally, possibly go on strike for a decent contract to try to obtain “The Schools Chicago’s Students Deserve”). PLEEEEASE take so so so much much much more more more time to think about everything, in order for us to finally be able to break you as we thought we were going to be able to do!

I can’t wait for summer vacation! Maybe 100 teachers started out listening to the last tele-town hall conference we held, but most of those hung up within the first 3-minutes because we hit our usual bull**** overload phase much too quickly. I hope no one could hear me yawning; at least they couldn’t see me as they can at Board meetings where me and my fellow reps on the other side of the protective barricade prop our heads up with our hands to help feign interest during public participation. Count on as many more one-way conversations as it takes for me to try to act like I give a *bleep* in order to buy some further time, and just plain pass the time, until my inevitable firing when everyone who lives and actually remains in Chicago (read: not me or Tim Cawley or way way too too many many others with the biggest salaries in CPS) will be able to start all over again with someone else. The word “invitation” is used to describe gathering the input we don’t really want because it adds that perfect, unconscious undertone of exclusion with its fake attempt at inclusion.

Oh, yeah, the students, ummm, who the *bleep* cares about whatever it is you do out there in those classrooms we at the Bored wouldn’t be caught dead in as we get the way-higher-than-you paychecks in CPS and couldn’t identify the child in a line-up of: Darth Vader, Wonder Woman, the Joker, E.T., and a third grader.


Call me “J-C” (as in you-know-who, as this might hopefully lessen challenges to my authority and also create the illusion-delusion of having you feel like an insider and BFF with me and the Bored and the mayor) soon-to-be Buzzard-feed


Here is the full text of Brizard's letter:

Dear Colleagues and Friends: Earlier this week we saw thousands of our teachers rally together in support of one another. As a former teacher, I also walked side-by-side with my colleagues in solidarity many times. Over the course of a number of interviews this week, I was asked what I thought about the rally. I’d like to share with you what I shared with the media. I respect and support our teachers. They’re doing the most important work of all in our schools. They have every right to stand up and let their voices to be heard. That’s why I believe in engaging our teachers as often as I can. I’m hosting weekly teacher tele-townhalls and meeting with them in person in schools across the city to get their feedback on the policies we are implementing that impact the classroom. I always remind them that I can’t do my job without them, and that my team and I are here to support them in the work they do. I was a teacher, I was raised by teachers and my wife was a teacher. Many of the members of my leadership team started their careers in the classroom. I know firsthand what the day-to-day experience for a teacher is both inside and outside the classroom. That’s why I strongly advocate compensating them fairly and giving them a raise for the work they do – even though we face a $3 billion deficit over the next three fiscal years. While we cannot afford the 30 percent raise that the union has asked for over the next two years, teachers will receive a fair raise. And I have every confidence that the independent fact-finder working with both the CTU and CPS to develop a compromise agreement on July 16 will make a fair and reasonable compensation proposal. This compromise agreement will be a product of the critical 75-day stage that just began three weeks ago – fact-finding (for more information on the negotiation process, visit ). We have an obligation to let this independent process, established by Illinois Education Reform Legislation (SB7) and designed specifically to avoid confrontation and threats of strike, play itself out. In fact, the Chicago Tribune editorialized on this very topic this week, urging that the CTU not move on a strike authorization vote until the independent compromise report is issued in mid-July. The editorial points out that there is no way for anyone to know what the final contract proposal will include – and, until that point, “there is no deal.” To read the editorial, click here . Our goal is to reach an agreement. I truly believe it’s in the best interest of our teachers, students, families and school communities that we allow the process to fully unfold and that no steps toward strike be taken until after the independent fact-finder has issued his compromise report on July 16. Both the CTU and CPS will have 15 days to review that report. If either rejects it, a 30 day “no strike” window begins, which will most likely end in the latter part of August. Therefore, a lot of time will be left to weigh and consider the merits of that independent report once it is released. As we enter the last month of the school year, I look forward to continuing my conversations with teachers about the issues they care most about. This week we had another 3,000 teachers join our teacher tele-town hall. I want to thank those who joined for their thoughtful questions and hope they found the conversation to be as valuable as I did. Our next teacher tele-town hall will be on Tuesday, May 29, at 6:30 p.m. Teachers should check their CPS email for their invitation. Thank you for your support and commitment to our students. Sincerely, Jean-Claude Brizard Chicago Public Schools | CEO


June 4, 2012 at 10:05 PM

By: John Kugler




Yes is the word of the week this week.

June 4, 2012 at 10:35 PM

By: Theresa D. Daniels

Susan Zupan Rocks

Too funny, and sadly, too true--Rummy and Bizarre will be the Chicago teachers' long-remembered clowns, though with us for only a brief stay. Hey, hey....

June 6, 2012 at 1:42 PM

By: John Kugler

A Letter to CEO Brizard

CEO Brizard,

Thank you for sharing your concerns about the upcoming CTU strike authorization vote. I think a teacher perspective may help you better understand why we will overwhelming vote yes to the authorization this week.

Though you often tell me how much you respect me and how much you support me, Board policies and CPS contract proposals do neither. If I felt respected and supported, in actions not words, if the thousands of other CTU members felt respected and supported, we would be at a very different place in our relationship, wouldn't we.

Unfortunately, the fact that you feel that you and CPS respect and support teachers and staff only serves to highlight how massively disconnected CPS leadership and the Board of Education are from classroom teachers, career service personnel, and the students we serve every day.

When my CEO cannot be bothered to attend a single session in negotiations, a process for which dozens of teachers and career service employees have gladly volunteered, I do not feel respected or supported.

When selective enrollment schools serving 1% of CPS students receive 24% of TIF funding spent on schools and I work in a neighborhood school, I do not feel respected or supported.

When CPS contract proposals indicate that experience, education, and training are unimportant or even undesirable, I do not feel respected or supported.

When 4% of my pay is taken (for the rest of my career - not just for one year) even though the Board budgeted for it, I do not feel respected or supported.

When charter schools dump their least desirable and least successful students into my neighborhood school, I do not feel respected or supported.

When CPS attempts to mandate a scripted curricula that has nothing to do with the needs of my students, I do not feel respected or supported.

When CPS closes 100 schools since the start of my career with threats to close 100 more, I do not feel respected or supported.

When privatized, non-union charter schools receive a disproportionate share of CPS capital funds and I work in a neighborhood school, I do not feel respected or supported.

When entire swaths of the city of Chicago are left without access to a neighborhood school, I do not feel respected or supported.

When Board policy terminates or pushes out the door thousands of our most valuable and veteran teachers (I'll be one of those some day), I do not feel respected or supported.

When CPS completely ignores my Union's positive agenda and its vision for publicly funded public education (The Schools Chicago's Students Deserve), I do not feel respected or supported.

When CPS takes enormous pension holidays and then complains about later balloon payments required to make up for it, I do not feel respected or supported.

When the Board asks me to invest 15-20% more mandatory hours in exchange for 2% more pay, I do not feel respected or supported. (By the way, a recent U of I study found that Chicago teachers average about 58 hours of work per week.)

When students coming in to my high school have never had the opportunity to take a music class in elementary school, I do not feel respected or supported.

When my field trip request to a CPS sponsored event is rejected by CPS, I do not feel respected or supported. (Yes, this has actually happened.)

When I am paid inaccurately over and over and over again and invest hours and hours into getting it corrected, I do not feel respected or supported.

When CPS has offered teachers for years an embarrasingly meager 250 MB of online storage and a decades old communication and collaboration platform I do not feel respected or supported.

When I cannot access GradeBook or Impact for hours on end, or I wait 13 minutes for a computer to boot up, I do not feel respected or supported.

When wave after wave of unproven education reform initiatives du jour are foisted upon teachers, I do not feel respected or supported.

When the temperatures hit 100 degrees on the third floor of our building at the beginning and end of the school year and over the summer, I do not feel respected or supported.

When the district is so unstable it cannot even keep its most senior leaders in place much less retain outstanding teachers, I do not feel respected or supported.

When grades are due a week before school ends, or we spend days on end on high stakes exams, or when other large portions of learning time are wasted but CPS wants to extend the school day and year without improving it or funding it, I do not feel respected or supported.

When counselors and special education teachers are woefully overworked with caseloads far beyond those recommended by respective professional organizations, I do not feel respected or supported.

When the Board dictates without discussion decisions on important issues like a longer day, a longer year, the number of classes I teach, the number of students I teach, class sizes, narrow test-prep curricula, etc., I do not feel respected or supported.

I am sure other teachers and employees could add on to this short list and make it a long one, but for the sake of brevity I will stop here.

Thank you for your respect and support and for sharing your concerns, but I have no choice but to vote yes. Though I expect to be fired or have my school closed or turned around or privatized or transformed or whatever else CPS intends to do to neighborhood schools next, I am confident I will still be teaching in CPS long after you and your team have moved on to greener pastures.


CPS Teacher

June 6, 2012 at 2:25 PM

By: Kathy Jacobs

There Are 1000s More of These Letters Waiting to be Written

Amen, John. Well done.

June 6, 2012 at 4:38 PM

By: John Kugler

CTU Response to Parents

Educators: If you are forced to distribute Brizard’s insulting letter to your parents, please look at its counterpoint below. You may have a chance to show it to parents, as well. Click here to download a printable version from our website.

Dear Parent,

The 25,000 Chicago Teachers and staff who operate the schools are taking a Strike Authorization Vote today, Thursday, and Friday. Do not be alarmed—this vote is NOT a vote to strike. The decision to strike—if it happens at all—may come towards the start of school next fall. But there is a long way to go before we get to that point.

Please be assured that the union is doing all it can to avoid a strike—we are engaged in serious negotiations. The two parties have agreed to a “fact-finder” which is designed to help us settle some of the difficult issues. We are open to compromise and are presenting reasonable and educationally sound proposals.

In fact, the union has a very small number of key demands in these negotiations —

• Smaller classes—we are proposing a reduction in class size

• A Better Day to go along with a longer day—we want the Board to offer instruction in the Arts, World Language, and Physical Education

• Fair compensation—we are asking for a raise to go along with expanded responsibilities: a new curriculum, a new evaluation system, and a 20% increase in instructional time.

• Job Security—Chicago Teachers are virtually the only public school employees in Illinois who can lose their job due to no fault of their own (such as a school closing) and have no meaningful recall rights. We are proposing a simple recall provision.

We feel these demands are aligned with the interests of parents and children.

We are aware that the Board has sent a communication to parents that portrays our vote as premature, misleading, and harmful to the process of reaching an agreement. We strongly disagree. The strike authorization vote, which is receiving overwhelming support from teachers and PSRP’s, is designed to put pressure on the Board to bargain seriously over important issues. Rather than trying to place more and more restrictive limits on our right to bargain, the Board should listen to the actual educators when designing the Longer Day, compensation, and the structure of school next year.

The CTU intends to use our negotiating power to ensure that both the people who work in the schools AND the people who go to the schools have a high quality education. Political leaders may try to score points with education “reforms”—but the educators who actually run the schools must have a voice in the process. This vote ensures that we cannot be ignored. It is our hope that we will have a new contract to vote on by the time school is ready to start in September!

In Solidarity,

Karen GJ Lewis, NBCT

CTU President

June 7, 2012 at 3:40 PM

By: Kathy Jacobs

Feel The Love

The "respect and support" that Brizard told teachers that he feels for them needs a little clarification. Perhaps he can put together a Power Point presentation and enlighten everyone as to his definition of the words respect and support.

As the voting began, “CEO Jean- Claude Brizard’s team asked the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board to issue an emergency order to have the union secure election material and provide the IELRB and the district access to them. The district wants 20 different pieces of material from a copy of the ballot to the “educational flyer provided to each member explaining the reasons for the strike authorization vote” to information on the messenger services retained to deliver ballot boxes.” (Catalyst)

Religious leaders were asked to watch the counting of the ballots, but apparently the "respect and support" that Brizard feels for the teachers (LOL) doesn’t extend to the clergy. “If teachers are going to take a strike vote, they really need to make sure the voting has integrity and accuracy," said [Andy] Shaw [head of the Better Government Association]. "We’d feel more comfortable with an outside auditor looking at the ballots being counted rather than a few ministers.” (Progress Illinois) (ROTFLOL)

June 8, 2012 at 7:56 AM

By: Kimberly Bowsky

Actions speak louder than words and words and words

The mayor's "love for teachers" is about as scripted and tight-lipped as his CEO's superfluous efforts to influence a vote that is the business of those who work under their austere measures of over-reliance on standardized tests, their undermining of public schools by using our charter school brothers and sisters to divide and conquer, their complicity with lawmakers, their punishment of teachers and students, and their manipulation of the public. For a year, they have been whipping teachers with disparaging remarks, threats and "Because-I-say-so..."

And now, they LOVE us — but we're liars, too?

The article above shows that Mayor Emanuel is not a sympathetic character. He doesn't care what people think of him; he's been a big macher for most of his adult life. Beware. However, I have heard too many remarks that are sympathetic to CEO Brizard, as if he's only a puppet, the figurehead, of CPS. Careful here, too.

What people misunderstand about Jean-Claude Brizard is that he's just a mouthpiece. Hmm. Yes, his job is to speak for the policies of the mayor and the business movement that has squeezed the life out of public schools and created profitable charter schools for their portfolios and future workers for their businesses. Make no mistake: Mr. Brizard BELIEVES IN those policies: anti-union, anti-teacher, anti-worker, anti-collaboration, top-down edict making control, conTROL, CONTROL.

June 9, 2012 at 2:08 AM

By: Kimberly Bowsky

Verification of votes?

Well, the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board has decided on THAT. Notice, though, what one reader quoted from Progress Illinois: "We'd feel more comfortable with an outside auditor looking at the ballots being counted rather than a few ministers." Are you off the floor yet? (wink) Because the CPS doesn't trust any ministers who aren't on their payroll!!! (cf. Rent-a-protester debacle)

June 14, 2012 at 12:35 AM

By: John Kugler

'We’re having a perception issue...?!!!' as gang murders increase?

We’re having a perception issue...???!!!

Here is another buffoon puppet of Mayor 1% lying about crime statistics and a comment reflecting the growing distrust of anything that come out of the Mayor's office of communications.

from cop blogs

Speaking to the Union League Club in the Loop, [Police Chief Garry] McCarthy pointed to declines in homicides and shootings in recent weeks but said he’s having a hard time getting that message to register with the public.

“Would anybody believe me if I told you that murders in the city were down 17 percent in the last month? Probably not, right?,” McCarthy told about 100 people at the breakfast. “Would anybody believe me if I told you that shootings are down in the last two months, 10 weeks? Would anybody believe if I told you that we had less shootings on Memorial Day this year than we did last year? Probably not.

"We’re having a perception issue. And perhaps it’s my problem. Perhaps it’s my fault. I don’t know how to change this.”


This 'perception problem' is that the Tribune also reported the next day that there is a 36 percent spike in the city’s homicide rate, an 11 percent increase in shootings and a return to mob attacks in the downtown area.


That quote....

"Would anybody believe if I told you that we had less shootings on Memorial Day this year than we did last year? Probably not..." It bothered us, so we did a little research, and found this on the ABC site (29 May):

Chicago's homicide rate at this point of the year is up nearly 50 percent. The vast majority of those homicides are gang-related.

"It's not OK that we had 53 shootings last week, but that 53 shootings is the same exact number of shootings that we had last year, so this is not a new problem. What it is is a new is the solution that we are applying to it," McCarthy said.

He's playing the numbers game again and no one is calling him on it (besides our readers and us). Claiming shootings are "down on Memorial Day", but admitting the year-to-year comparison is exactly the same.

And the "perception" thing? We've argued before that the Supernintendo isn't responsible for each and every shooting that occurs on his watch. Even the commanders he attempts to blame at CompStat meetings aren't going to be stopping each and every shooting as shorthanded as they are. But McCarthy pretends he has some magical formula and a whiz-bang computer system that still isn't predicting shit and won't address the elephant in the room — that we are shorthanded, and badly so.

Cameras don't prevent crime. Computers don't predict crime.


hmmm seems like some silly stupidity here and simple lying by a government official.

now the public is getting pissed off

ankhlikesitraw......period 3:07 PM on June 12, 2012 COMMENTS

(We're having a perception problem because this f-ucker keeps comparing this city to New YorK.......We had a handle on this shyytt until this fu-cking moron and his boss decided to ignore ia couple of incidents in the schools....He blew it off like this was the same environment as New York, and now we have a full fledged war.

We have a perception problem because he's a complete fu-cking moron. The shootings may be "down from Memorial day last year," but that only means they were unacceptable then, and they're unacceptable now.

We have a "perception problem" because this simpleton, this lying fu-cking simpleton, is telling the public that this violence is going to be cyclical and seasonal, and for any responsible person, that bullshyytt is completely unacceptable.

We have a perception problem because this muthabucka doesn't seem to understand that although the violence is concentrated in certain areas, it travels.

We have a perception problem, because last year, the fu-cking schmuck said, "he was a friend of JodyWeiss," suggesting that their would be some level of continuity in enforcement, now he speaks only of what he knows from the time that he's been here.

We have a perception problem, because if that's the case, he should be listening more to the suggestions of residents, and yet, he totally ignores heartfelt efforts to help stop the violence when there seems to be a question of the idea not coming from within the ranks, wherein he can steal the credit.

We have a perception problem because the violence is concentrated, AND HE SEEMS TO FEEL IT'S OKAY TO SLING STATISTICS AROUND LIKE STIR FRIED SHYYTT, and leave the innocent residents in those areas to face extreme victimization, or to face the justice system as a result of their own justifiable but illegal efforts to defend themselves.

We have a perception problem because , unlike Weiss, McCarthy is obviously an inhumane, racist, piece of shyyttt, and he thinks that the general public doesn't have the perceptive abilities to read between the lines, and figure that out for themselves.

We have a perception problem because his NATO public relations campaign has not worked, and he doesn't seem to realize that Rahm IS NOT A LOYAL MUTHABUCKA...

I know how to solve it, FIRE THE FU-CKING POLICE CHIEF!!!!!!

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