

New website promises 'Tabs on Rahm...'

There is a new website up where every day citizens can rate Rahm Emanuel's job performance. Then group, "Tabs on Rahm" states that it has pioneers this approach with "TabsOnObama..." The information and link are below. is a non-profit, non-partisan web site whose mission is to revamp the vague, traditional approval rating with a detailed Netflix-like rating system. extracted all of Emanuel's campaign promises from in Feb 2011 and asks ordinary citizens to rate his administration's performance from 1 to 5. The purpose is to engage both the active voter and more importantly the casual voter to make a more informed decision in the 2015 Chicago mayoral election. is creating relationships with organizations and individuals, both conservative and liberal, to write blog posts on current issues facing Chicago and directly link back to a campaign promise. is created by the folks behind For more information, see the Jan 2010 article printed about in the Metro (New York City). Last, will provide a forum for the 45% of Chicago voters that supported one of Emanuel's opponents (including Chico, Moseley Braun, and Del Valle). The vision is to keep the administration “in check” for a potentially lengthy tenure in office due to lack of term limits in Chicago.

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April 28, 2012 at 7:30 PM

By: Jim Vail


John - Did you think this through before posting this "Tabs On Rahm" URL on Substance? You are supposed to rate his campaign promises, such as holding the public schools and principals more accountable - leading up to the firing of everyone working in public education.

He gets low ratings for all that in education. In other words, he's not firing enough people, fast enough.

Hopefully, I have misinterpreted this. If I have, correct me quickly. Otherwise, this shows how it isn't just Rahm, but the whole Democrat juggernaut that is forcing privatization and the destruction of public education on all of us, now seemingly at break neck speed.

April 28, 2012 at 8:24 PM

By: John Kugler


i am pretty sure this is not a pro-rahmo webste. it also looks like it is just a place to vent some steam against the current administration running the city. Cops are promoting the site too.

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