

Occupy Chicago grows along with Occupy Wall Street... Occupy Chicago Day 9 — Universal Outrage Against Corporate Greed and Abuse

In an expansion of growing anger towards cooperate greed, activists are in their ninth day of occupation in front of the Federal Reserve Bank building at Jackson and LaSalle — "24/7" — in Chicago, Illinois. A little after dinner time on October 1, 2011, the crowd of more than 100 persons crowd spread out on the different streets in the area of the Federal Reserve Bank on all the sidewalks surrounding the vicinity of the bank. There were chants, drum beats and signing all with the same message to stop corporate greed that is destroying American democracy. Chicago teachers, students and public school parents have been joining the protest as it had been growing.

One of the signs from "Occupy Chicago" October 1, 2011. Substance photo by John Kugler.At about a quarter to seven, the different crowds gathered on Jackson Boulevard heading East towards the Lake Michigan. This was the second of two daily marches to (3pm and 7 pm) to Grant Park for "General Assembly" meetings to discuss issues, grievances and make group decisions on objectives of the group. The marchers walked in an orderly manner from LaSalle and Jackson to Grant Park under the "Bowman" (the equestrian Native American) on Congress Plaza Drive across the street from the Congress Hotel.

On the agenda for the 7 pm October 1, 2011 General Assembly meeting was:

Voting system


Keeping noise down during work hours Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm to not disturb workers in near by building.

It was decided by a majority vote that there be an orderly process to allow everyone to speak which consisted of making stacks of speakers one each topic to be discussed. The first order of business was a vote to support local musicians that played on paint barrels creating drum beats to the chants of the occupation. The group unanimously approved individual contributions to the young musicians so they could have some spending money and support for their solidarity with the occupation.

The next speaker introduced the next order of business to discuss and vote on the adoption of Occupation of New York City grievances. There were objections in the form of blocks to both the process and substance of the New York grievances. It was agreed that speakers be limited to 2 minutes each on a specific topic in the interest of time and amount of topics to be discussed and voted on. At this time the speakers who were on the stack were allowed to present views on the Occupy Chicago.

1.Campaign Finance Reform

Sign at the Occupy Chicago site October 1, 2011. Substance photo by John Kugler.All votes are no longer equal in our Democracy. Money must be put outside of politics, or politicians will continue to pander to those who contribute the most to their campaigns, rather than their own constituencies. Specifically, we abhor the decision by the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC. Corporations are NOT people.

2.True Shared Sacrifice

While corporate profits have been skyrocketing and the wealthy have been getting wealthier, the average worker’s income has dramatically dropped. While the cost of living has exponentially increased, wages have not followed. It has been shown time and time again that tax cuts for the wealthy are NOT effective. Taxes on those who practice greed should be raised.

3.Equality in Justice

This great nation was founded on liberty, but also, on equality. When the balance of justice is swayed in favor of those with wealth, the very fabric of this nation is torn apart. The decision of a judge should not be based upon the race, creed, or wealth of an individual, but rather, the content of the case.

4.The End of the Revolving Door

The Obama administration was supposed to bring change and hope to our country, but instead, brought us into despair and insecurity. Those working in his administration are the very people whom we are fighting against. Those who enter Washington should not be representatives of the elites, but representatives of the people. One cannot simply enter an administration, reap its benefits, and simply exit.

5. Occupy Wall Street Brooklyn Bridge arrests

New York Occupation Update, more than 700 of our fellow protesters with Occupy Wall Street in New York were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge earlier today (October 1, 2011).

There have been reports from the protesters that deliberate entrapment may have occurred, with the police allowing them onto the bridge and seemingly turning a blind eye to marchers in the roadway, only surrounding them to make arrests once many were already on the bridge. In fact, the NYT City Room blog initially led their report with these accusations, only to remove them less than an hour later, although an interview with a bystander which corroborates the protesters’ accounts remains. (A comparison image with the side-by-side article leads is here.)

Also, there appears to have been at least one minor arrested, as seen in this video.

General Assembly reaction to this news was understandably upset and outraged. We stand in support of our brothers and sisters in this movement and are committed to continuing our protests even in the face of opposition, as well as maintaining the excellent relationship we’ve had so far with the CPD.

Those wishing to contact the NYPD to protest can call 212-741-8401.

Details on the votes and discussions can be found at

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700 arrested after protest on NY's Brooklyn Bridge


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