
Jon Stewart's video address to SOS marchers

Jon Stewart spoke by pre-recorded video, shown on a Jumbotron, to the SOS marchers. Along with many jokes, he also encouraged teachers and told them, "You're doing the right thing." Substance photo, Sharon SchmidtJon Stewart, host of The Daily Show whose mom was a long-time teacher, encouraged SOS marchers, especially teachers, via a videotaped address. The following is excerpted from a video at the Parents Across America website.

Great day (or terrible day) to march. (I pre-taped this, so I really don’t know what the weather is like there today). I very wanted to be there with you today. I wanted to drive down to D.C. and march with you, but a dog ate my car… So, I’m sure you’ve never heard that excuse before.

I’m glad you’re taking the time to march. Because (from what I understand) teachers in the summer are just lazy and doing nothing anyway, because they’re just living off the huge salaries and pensions that they suck out of the tax payers, leaving the Wall Street fat cats very little bonus money. And I’ve heard all about you, with your fancy Toyota Celicas and your free apples. I got my eyes on you.

Actually, education is an issue very near and dear to my heart. My mother was a teacher. She taught for many, many years so I know the truth about just how dedicated and just how hard you work and just how averagely teachers are compensated. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the hard work and effort you all put in to teaching our kids. I think the initiatives you are fighting for are incredibly important. I just hope you do very well.

To all you marchers out there and to all you teachers out there, you’re doing the right thing. Fighting to make our educational system something we can be proud of. There can’t be a better cause than that. Keep going guys.


August 4, 2011 at 9:26 AM

By: Susan Ohanian

Jon Stewart

OK, I give Jon Stewart credit for donating the time to make a short video. But his snarky remarks showed how out of touch he is with public school reality--or the purpose of the SOS march. Not surprisingly, Jon Stewart's remarks were about Jon Stewart.

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