

Marilyn Stewart's company unionism... Stewart and other CTU leaders worked with Ron Huberman to censor teachers and others critical of Stewart and Huberman policies

Chicago Teachers Union President Marilyn Stewart and three of her staff members, including Chief of Staff John Ostenburg and Recording Secretary Mary McGuire, worked hand-in-glove with the administration of Chicago Schools Chief Executive Officer Ron Huberman to try and censor teacher comments about union and board policies. The union officers and staff also tried to get the CPS administration to ban meetings and distribution of election campaign literature in the city's more than 600 public schools.

The attempts to stifle teacher First Amendment rights and help re-elect Stewart backfired when Deborah Lynch, one of the five candidates for CTU president, won a temporary restraining order against Huberman and the Board of Education in U.S. Diestrict Court in March. Lynch's victory in the important court fight paved the way for the active campaigning that Substance has been covering as the May 21 union election looms.

Friday May 21, 2010, there is an election for union officers of the Chicago Teachers Union. Right now nothing is sacred anymore not even a democratic controlled city, county, and state and after the 2007 contract vote the suppression of the union membership went into full swing.

It was not until a Federal Injunction Case 10-CV-1783 that evidence came out that the union was directly working with management against its own union members.

Recording Secretary Colluding with Management 9/3/09

Union President Stewart Rigging Referendum Vote 11/16/09

Ron Huberman Memo violating rights of Union members 11/20/09

After devoting thousands of hours of union staff time and tens of thousands of dollars to the effort, Chicago Teachers Union President Marilyn Stewart won a small victory on November 20, 2009, when the union's membership voted in favor of three proposals to change union procedures and the union Constitution and by-laws.

Chicago Teachers Union referendum fight

November 20 referendum results raise suspicions.

The referenda, which were voted on in all public schools on November 20, 2009, supposedly eliminated the union's fifth officer (the treasurer), eliminated the publication of CTU election results in the pages of the Chicago Union Teacher (the results are now supposed to be published on line), and gave Stewart expanded powers to purge the union's members and officers — via her rubber stamp "Executive Board" — for activities which she alleges bring the union into disrepute. Stewart refused to allow more than 3,000 union members — retired members — to participate in the referendum.

Another cover-up of widespread cheating?

Union Chief of Staff Thanking Ron Huberman for Drafting a memo that was found to violate the rights of union members to organize an election 11/23/09

The CPS Board of Education used these documents in its defense against the Temporary Restraining Order to stop discriminatory actions against union members for participating in the union election process documents showing collusion of CTU officers with management (CPS) in asking for disciplinary measures against the same union members they were elected to represent and protect. Not only does the document proves beyond a doubt collusion of the union with management but shows the the school district is monitoring the activities of union members outside of there working time and in all areas of media communication.


May 20, 2010 at 3:47 AM

By: Sarah

Ted Dallas, also

this evidence was also provided by CPS:

from Substance 3-25-10

"As far back as 2007, when Lynch and PACT sent emails and flyers in opposition to the new contract, then CTU vice-president Ted Dallas e-mailed Rachel Resnick of CPS. “We are again calling on the Board to initiate the appropriate disciplinary action which will deter this type of behavior in the future," Dallas wrote in one e-mail. "Please get back to me ASAP and let me know what steps you will be taking.”

now Dallas is telling all who will listen that he opposed the"Stewart' contract as far back as Sept. 2007 and this was the 'real' reason Stewart came after him, but this email to R. Resnick shows otherwise.

He was instructing CPS to discipline anyone who opposed the contract.

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