

Massive Chicago student walkout against Huberman's proposed cuts expected to begin at 10:00 a.m. today, May 5, 2010

A large walkout is expected to begin around 10:00 a.m. today, May 5, 2010, against the cuts proposed by CEO Ron Huberman. The walkout, which is modeled on a recent protest by students across New Jersey (which drew an estimated 30,000 student to protest the state's governor's attack on the public schools) and the recent Chicago protest, which was organized entirely by text and e-mail and drew more than 1,000 students to a shanking series of protests three weeks ago.

The April 27 student walkouts across New Jersey, which is facing proposed cuts in public education similar to those being proposed in Chicago, was organized by FaceBook and text messaging, and resulted in one of the largest student protests in the state's history. Above, student on the steps of the City Hall in Newark, New Jersey, denounced the cuts in public education during the April 27, 2010, day of protests. Photo by Newark Star-Ledger.By early May 5, Substance had been contacted by a number of schools saying that the walkout would take place. Substance has asked those organizing and attending the event to provide us with update and photographs as the event(s) unfold.

For more than two weeks, some school leaders and schools Chief Executive Officer Ron Huberman have been trying to head off the walkouts and protests, or failing that to direct them towards Springfield. Huberman's main representative to the students, Drew Beres, one of the administrators Huberman brought in with him when he was hired in January 2009, reportedly has tried to avoid any discussion of how CPS and Chicago have neglected local taxes, while trying to direct all protests towards the Illinois General Assembly in Springfield. However, a number of students have researched the losses to CPS from Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in Chicago, and by Mayor Richard M. Daley's insistence that local property taxes be frozen in Chicago, even in the face of growing budget problems.

The following is the announcement:

Wednesday Walkout by Chicago Youth United

Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm

Location: 125 S Clark


This is a text that was sent out. please forward the message to anyone that might be affected by these cuts.: "This is important! 50% of CPS students drop out before graduation. Imagine what the crime and drop out rate will be after the budget/teacher cuts AND the increase in class size. We are the future and we have to fight for our education. Think about our brothers, sisters, and kids. Walk out to CPS headquarters 125 S. Clark on Wednesday 5/5 at 10:30 am. Come and support with posters and signs." We know that this is a budget cut proposed by the state but we're trying to make it a point that we are aware and against these cuts and hopefully that message will make it down to Springfield when they vote this Friday.

The proposal includes:

# Classes up to 37 students

# Significant cuts to non-varsity sports

# Reductions in funding for magnet, Montessori, gifted, and IB programs

# Significant cuts to full day kindergarten

# Reduction of after-school and summer school programs

# Up to 11% funding cuts to charter schools If you are in highschool, you would only have to deal with this for at most 3 years. But think about all the kids in grammar school and those who have yet to enter the CPS school system. Do you think they want to grow up like that? Make your voices heard! We have to be the leaders for improving our education.

Be there at 125 S. Clark St. this Wednesday. Leave your school at the time you need to get there at 11.

WY kids are leaving at 10:20, during 4th period. Meet under the arts bridge.

IMPORTANT!: There will be press coverage, so we need to act right. If they see any one of us acting inappropriate or foolish, you KNOW they would overshadow our cause with stories of inappropriate behavior. This is a PEACEFUL rally, we don't want any one there that is going to start trouble. We're not trying to get arrested, right?


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