

Editorial: 'Educational entrepreneurs' — enemies of public schools and democracy

On April 7, 2008, Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Arne Duncan hosted another attack on public education. From the auditorium of the newly privatized Englewood High School (now dubbed the “Englewood Campus”) Duncan unveiled the next two years of plan to destroy as much of Chicago’s public education system as possible before he is stopped. Above: Chicago Schools Chief Executive Officer Arne Duncan (red tie, center) hosted a media event at the "Englewood Campus" on April 7, 2008. At the event, Duncan announced the procedures for bidding to privatize a large number of Chicago public schools through the Requests for Proposals (RFP) process. Behind Duncan is Tim King, whose "Urban Prep" charter high school has forced out students from Englewood and now serves fewer and fewer students from the Englewood community, despite the media hype. Also present at the April 7 event were political leaders and foundation representatives, who are pouring tens of millions of dollars into the privatization and charterization of Chicago's public schools. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.

Officially, the occasion was to unveil the “RFP” process for “New Schools” to open in 2009 and 2010. In attendance at the event were representatives of most of Chicago’s charter schools, along with “educational entrepreneurs” who will, supposedly, bring further privatization.

It’s time that in Chicago “accountability” begins against the capitalists and teachers bashers who are filing RFPs to bring misery to schools next year and the year after. 


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