All articles by Leonie Haimson

OPT OUT NEWS: Pearson's spying on students is just another example of why Opt Out has to explode this year ... 'those in power always want to maintain maximum secrecy for themselves, and protect what they see is their own privacy rights... while having little or no respect for the rights of others..

[Editor's Note: The following was circulated by the NYC parent group Class Size Matters on Monday, March 16, 2015, showing again why Pearson is "creepy" and worse. Substance shares this lengthy piece with our readers . . .

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Fact-checking shows 'Waiting for Superman' lies

[Editor's Note: The rush to adulation for the movie 'Waiting for Superman' includes the utilization of the movie as a source of supposed 'facts' about the current state of public schools. At a recent hearing . . .

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Bill Gates... The most dangerous man in America

[Editor's Note: The following article went up on the Huffingtom Post on July 10, 2010, while many of us from Substance were in Seattle Washington at the national convention of the American Federation of Teachers . . .

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