All articles by Cassie Crestwell

BOARDWATCH: Absurdities of continuing failed retention policy and destructive early childhood standardized testing challenged again...

[Editor's Note: The following remarks were prepared for delivery to the Chicago Board of Education's May 25, 2016 meeting. They were provided to us by the speaker and are reprinted here as she provided them . . .

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OPT OUT NEWS: More Than a Score reminds Chicago that children can still Opt Out of the current PARCC testing no matter what disinformation CPS is trying to spread....

[Editor's Note: The following came in from More Than A Score on April 278 as the latest PARCC testing began. The amount of disinformation being spread by CPS administrators from the central office through . . .

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Parents still being told the lie that they can't Opt Out their children

[Editor's Note: Chicago is in the middle of several major upheavals, only one of which is the municipal election that will unseat the tyrannical mayor Rahm Emanuel on April 7. Right now, parents across the . . .

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OPT OUT NEWS: Atrocities in Network 6... ' is truly reprehensible that the district is condoning the mistreatment of children who are sensibly refusing to participate by allowing Network Chiefs to once again inappropriately pressure principals to suppress opt-outs...'

[Editor's Note: The following report, along with the letter to Barbara Byrd Bennet, was sent out to readers by More Than A Score on March 19, 2015. We are reprinting it because of its importance . . .

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BOARDWATCH: More Than A Score versus CPS on testing... 'we call on you to change the culture of fear and paranoia that feeds this misinformation by lowering the quantity and stakes of standardized testing and increasing the value placed on high quality learning.'

[Substance Editor's Note: The following statement was delivered at the February 26, 2014 meeting of the Chicago Board of Educatoin by Cassie Crestwell of More Than A Score. The members of the Board of Education . . .

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