


At the May 2007 meeting of the Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates, more than 100 members of the union’s part-time and full-time staff were sitting at credentials tables sporting huge UPC election buttons like the one above. One year later, Stewart’s UPC — posing as the leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union — has accused CTU Vice President Ted Dallas of using the union for partisan political activity — something Stewart encouraged exactly one year earlier when the CTU election was still looming. At the sign-in tables for the May 2007 union meeting and around the union hall, Substance counted more than 100 union staff (including district supervisors, above) wearing partisan buttons supporting Stewart and her slate. Substance photograph by George N. Schmidt.

At the May 2007 meeting of the Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates, more than 100 members of the union’s part-time and full-time staff were sitting at credentials tables sporting huge UPC election buttons like the one above. One year later, Stewart’s UPC — posing as the leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union — has accused CTU Vice President Ted Dallas of using the union for partisan political activity — something Stewart encouraged exactly one year earlier when the CTU election was still looming. At the sign-in tables for the May 2007 union meeting and around the union hall, Substance counted more than 100 union staff (including district supervisors, above) wearing partisan buttons supporting Stewart and her slate. Substance photograph by George N. Schmidt.

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